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Transformers-Prime.com has been updated with high resolution image grabs from the HubWorlds Transformers Prime Trailer.
This follows up the earlier news story of the You Tube video of the Transformers Prime Trailer.
As part of our continual and leading coverage of the Ron Friedman auctions I thought I would bring you details on the final prices of each of the lots along with a quick round-up of who some of the winners are.
First up the winners.� Jim Sorenson and co won 6 auctions that will be scanned and made available on both The Allspark and TFWiki.� They raised a total of $1608 some of which will go to charity.� The auctions they won were Lot 93265, 93266, 93267, 93268, 93276 and 93279.� These auctions include scripts for Season 1 of Transformers, several scripts from season 2 of Transformers, the Habro briefing document (that I personally will be very interested in seeing) and the final draft script for Transformers: The Movie.� Other winners include Monzo, Kjeevah and G1son sho all one "yet-to-be-confirmed" items.
Here is the breakdown of every auction that ended, along with the final price including the "Buyers Premium".
Lot 93264 - Transformers Animated Series Script Collection - $334.60
Lot 93265 - Transformers Miniseries and Episodes #1-6 Script Collection - $507.88
Lot 93266 - Transformers TV Series Episodes #10-16 Script Collection - $262.90
Lot 93267 - Transformers Sunbow/Hasbro Briefing Book in Red Vinyl Three-Ring Binder with Related Photographs, Designs, and Model Sheets Group - $836.50
Lot 93268 - Transformers TV Scripts in Red Vinyl Three-Ring Binder - $215.10
Lot 93269 - Transformers TV Scripts in Red Vinyl Three-Ring Binder with Ultra Magnus Toy Prototype Snapshot Photo Group - $262.90
Lot 93270 - Transformers TV Series Audition Dialogue and Character Notes - $1015.75
Lot 93271 - Transformers: The Movie Revised Script Treatment (Sunbow Productions, Inc., 1984) - $1314.50
Lot 93272 - Transformers Character Guide Sheet Group - $1195
Lot 93273 - Transformers Character Sketch Photocopy Group - $836.50
Lot 93274 - Transformers TV Series Poster - $657.25 (This item normally sells for just $40)
Lot 93275 - Transformers First Season Script Group - $262.90
Lot 93276 - Transformers TV Scripts in Red Vinyl Three-Ring Binder with Related Material Group - $262.90
Lot 93277 - Transformers Fact Book in Red Vinyl Three-Ring Binder with Related Promotional Material Group - $687.13
Lot 93278 - Transformers: The Movie Final Draft Screenplay with Outline - $597.50
Lot 93279 - Transformers: The Movie Revised Final Draft Script - $448.13
Lot 93280 - Transformers: the Movie Script Group - $2005.21
Lot 93281 - Transformers Series Bible - $836.50
Lot 93282 - Transformers: the Movie "Arcee" Painted Cel Model Sheet Group - $507.88
Lot 93283 - Transformers: the Movie "Galvatron" Painted Cel Model Sheet Group - $507.88
Lot 93284 - Transformers: the Movie "Sweep" Painted Cel Model Sheet Group - $448.13
Lot 93285 - Transformers: the Movie "Decepticon" Plane Painted Cel Model Sheet Group (Cyclonus) - $478
Lot 93286 - Transformers: the Movie "Blurr" Painted Cel Model Sheet Group - $334.60
Lot 93287 - Transformers: the Movie Wheelie Painted Cel Model Sheet Group - $262.90
Lot 93288 - Transformers: the Movie "Old Kup" Painted Cel Model Sheet Group - $227.05
�So that is a total of a whopping $15,305.59!
Well the Ro�n
Friedman auctions are over for Internet Bidding on Heritage Au�ctions.com have now ended and it I'm sure we'll find out shortly whether Jim Sorenson, The Allspark and TFWiki attempt to snap up everything has worked.� Half an hour ago the total stood at $6170 but now the cost weighs in at $8140, not too bad for Mr Friedman.� Remember this is not the final price so things could go even higher as people can still bid in person
As previously mentioned you can view a high-resolution mirror of all of the images here but here is a break down of the final prices
Auction #1- $130
��Season 1 Original Scripts for "Heavy Metal War" and "Plague of Insecticons".
Season 2 Original Scripts for, "City of Steel", "Changing Gears",
"Traitor", "Attack of the Autobots", "The Immoblizer", "The Autobot
Run", and "Atlantis Arise".
Au�ction #2 - $220
Photocopied scripts
for the original "More Than Meets the Eye" mini-series as well as revised drafts of the first 6 episodes immediately
Auction #3 - $95
A ring binder that includes photocopies of the scripts for
episodes #10-16.
Auction #4 - $260
A binder with photographs, designs, and model sheets. This
includes several lists of characters that changed name between the
design and the final� drafts.
Auction #5 - $80
Scripts for "Day of
the Machines," "Enter the Nightbird," "A Prime Problem," "The Core,"
"The Insecticon Syndrome," "Dinosaur Island, Part 1 and 2, "The Master
Builders," "Auto Beserk," and "Megatron's Master Plan Part 1."
Auction #6 - $110
A binder including images of prototype Ultra Magnus as well as scripts for "Fire in the Sky," "S.O.S. -- Dinobots," "Fire
in the Mountain," "War of the Dinobots," "The Ultimate Doom Parts 1-3,"
"Countdown to Extinction," "Heavy Metal War," and "Plague of
Auction #7 - $850
More character design sheets, notes and bios, as well as audition dialogue for the Season 2 characters.
Auction #8 - $550
A 53-page revised story treatment for the 1985 feature film
Auction #9 - $505
Two sets of photocopied character guide pages compiled for the first
season of Transformers, including thirty-eight 8" x 14" color guides,
and another set of eighty-nine 8.5" x 11" black and white pages.
Auction #10 - $500
A set of four large black and white photocopies of Transformers characters including Wreck-Gar
Auction #11 - $375
Transformers: The Movie poster that hung in Ron Friedman's office
Auction #12 - $160
Photocopied scripts for "Transport to Oblivion", "Roll With It", and
"Divide and Conquer" with hand-written changes, from writers Dick
Robbins and Bryce Malek, Douglas Booth, and Don Glut, with revisions
from Ron Friedman.
Auction #13 - $220
Photocopied scripts "Blaster Blues", "A Decepticon Raider in King
Arthur's Court", "The God Gambit", "Make Tracks", and "Microbots."
Auction #14 - $160
A� binder that includes various Transformers Facts including
Hasbro notes, toy photographs, a copy of Transformers#3 (guest starring
Spider-Man), scripts for "Desertion of
the Dino Bots, Parts 1 and 2," and "Megatron's Master Plan Part 2."
Auction #15 - $375
This is the final draft for Transformers: The Movie. It included a 179-page revised draft and 17 page character notes
Auction #16 - $375
Transformers: The Movie Revised Final Draft Script (Sunbow
Productions, Inc., 1985).
Auction #17 - $550
Transformers: the Movie Script Group (Sunbow Productions, Inc.,
1984-85). This was Ron Friedman's original unproduced first draft script dated
November 12, 1984 (132 pages), plus two sets of revisions including the
complete revised script dated February 13, 1983 (184 pages).
Auction #18 - $700
The G1 Series Bible.� This contains character design pages and information on all of the original character from the show.
Auction #19 - $325
Coloured character sheets for Arcee in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #20 - $375
Coloured character sheets for Galvatron in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #21 - $375
Hand coloured character sheets for Scourge in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #22 - $400
Hand coloured character sheets for Cyclonus in both robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #23 - $140
Hand coloured character sheets for Blurr in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #24 - $130
Hand coloured character sheets for Wheelie in robot and vehicle mode.
With approximately 30 minutes remaining I thought I would bring you an update on the current prices that the Ro�n Friedman (one of the head writers for the first two seasons of Transformers Generation One and Transformers: The Movie) auctions over on Heritage Au�ctions.com are standing at.� Jim Sorenson is leading a consortium of bidders to try to buy the entire set and it looks like if they do they will be paying a fair amount of money.� Currently the total bids stand at $6170 with individual auctions ranging from $55 to $850.
You can view a high-resolution mirror of all of the images here but here is a break down of the prices
Auction #1- $100
��Season 1 Original Scripts for "Heavy Metal War" and "Plague of Insecticons".
Season 2 Original Scripts for, "City of Steel", "Changing Gears",
"Traitor", "Attack of the Autobots", "The Immoblizer", "The Autobot
Run", and "Atlantis Arise".
Au�ction #2 - $160
Photocopied scripts
for the original "More Than Meets the Eye" mini-series as well as revised drafts of the first 6 episodes immediately
Auction #3 - $55
A ring binder that includes photocopies of the scripts for
episodes #10-16.
Auction #4 - $220
A binder with photographs, designs, and model sheets. This
includes several lists of characters that changed name between the
design and the final� drafts.
Auction #5 - $75
Scripts for "Day of
the Machines," "Enter the Nightbird," "A Prime Problem," "The Core,"
"The Insecticon Syndrome," "Dinosaur Island, Part 1 and 2, "The Master
Builders," "Auto Beserk," and "Megatron's Master Plan Part 1."
Auction #6 - $110
A binder including images of prototype Ultra Magnus as well as scripts for "Fire in the Sky," "S.O.S. -- Dinobots," "Fire
in the Mountain," "War of the Dinobots," "The Ultimate Doom Parts 1-3,"
"Countdown to Extinction," "Heavy Metal War," and "Plague of
Auction #7 - $850
More character design sheets, notes and bios, as well as audition dialogue for the Season 2 characters.
Auction #8 - $475
A 53-page revised story treatment for the 1985 feature film
Auction #9 - $400
Two sets of photocopied character guide pages compiled for the first
season of Transformers, including thirty-eight 8" x 14" color guides,
and another set of eighty-nine 8.5" x 11" black and white pages.
Auction #10 - $500
A set of four large black and white photocopies of Transformers characters including Wreck-Gar
Auction #11 - $325
Transformers: The Movie poster that hung in Ron Friedman's office
Auction #12 - $80
Photocopied scripts for "Transport to Oblivion", "Roll With It", and
"Divide and Conquer" with hand-written changes, from writers Dick
Robbins and Bryce Malek, Douglas Booth, and Don Glut, with revisions
from Ron Friedman.
Auction #13 - $80
Photocopied scripts "Blaster Blues", "A Decepticon Raider in King
Arthur's Court", "The God Gambit", "Make Tracks", and "Microbots."
Auction #14 - $70
A� binder that includes various Transformers Facts including
Hasbro notes, toy photographs, a copy of Transformers#3 (guest starring
Spider-Man), scripts for "Desertion of
the Dino Bots, Parts 1 and 2," and "Megatron's Master Plan Part 2."
Auction #15 - $375
This is the final draft for Transformers: The Movie. It included a 179-page revised draft and 17 page character notes
Auction #16 - $200
Transformers: The Movie Revised Final Draft Script (Sunbow
Productions, Inc., 1985).
Auction #17 - $180
Transformers: the Movie Script Group (Sunbow Productions, Inc.,
1984-85). This was Ron Friedman's original unproduced first draft script dated
November 12, 1984 (132 pages), plus two sets of revisions including the
complete revised script dated February 13, 1983 (184 pages).
Auction #18 - $700
The G1 Series Bible.� This contains character design pages and information on all of the original character from the show.
Auction #19 - $180
Coloured character sheets for Arcee in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #20 - $375
Coloured character sheets for Galvatron in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #21 - $130
Hand coloured character sheets for Scourge in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #22 - $220
Hand coloured character sheets for Cyclonus in both robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #23 - $80
Hand coloured character sheets for Blurr in robot and vehicle mode.
Auction #24 - $90
Hand coloured character sheets for Wheelie in robot and vehicle mode.
The Hub have sent out the following release to various Transformers sites.
Premiere of "Transformers Prime" on The Hub TV Network!
Time: Friday, November 26 � 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: The Hub - find out which channel at http://www.hubworld.com/channel-locator
Created By: The Hub
More Info:
Get excited Transformers fans for an upcoming sneak preview of the first
two episodes of The Hub's new animated series "Transformers Prime,"
Friday, November 26, 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET. If that's not enough, The
Hub will also present a never-before- seen five-part, mini-series
megaevent featuring your favorite Autobots and Decepticons Monday,
November 29 - Friday, December 3 at 6:30 p.m. ET.
In anticipation of the premiere, The... Hub will spotlight "Transformers
Prime" with a special episode of "Hubworld" dedicated entirely to the
Transformers phenomenon (3 p.m. ET) followed by a half-hour special,
"Hub Exclusive: 'Transformers Prime'" at 3:30 p.m. ET and then
culminating with the premiere of the first two half-hour episodes of the
series at 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET.
A full schedule of the "Transformers Prime" and related programming is below (All times ET):
�Hubworld� � Transformers-themed episode (Friday, November 26, 3 p.m. �
3:30 p.m.) �Hubworld� is a weekly, live-action pop culture magazine show
that infuses what's happening in the life of everyday kids with what's
happening on The Hub television network. Actor-magician Justin Willman
�Hub Exclusive: �Transformers Prime�� (premiere: Friday, November 26, 3:30 p.m. � 4 p.m.)
�Transformers Prime� - Part 1 of �Darkness Rising� (premiere: Friday, November 26, 4 p.m. � 4:30 p.m.)
�Transformers Prime� - Part 2 of �Darkness Rising� (premiere: Friday, November 26, 4:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.)
�Transformers Prime� - Part 3 of �Darkness Rising� (premiere: Wednesday, December 1, 6:30 p.m. � 7 p.m.)
�Transformers Prime� - Part 4 of �Darkness Rising� (premiere: Thursday, December 2, 6:30 p.m. � 7 p.m.)
�Transformers Prime� - Part 5 of �Darkness Rising� (premiere: Friday, December 3, 6:30 p.m. � 7 p.m.)
For more information visit http://hubworld.com/. To watch clips from the upcoming series, visit http://youtube.com/hubtvnetwork
KO Toys has posted images of the upcoming Transformers Generations Legends Megatron, Starscream and Trailbreaker toys.
TFW2005.com are reporting that wave 5 of the�Transformers Generationsis now out in parts of the USA.
Just got back from the Greenwood South Target here in Indiana, and they had Generations Skullgrin and Cliffjumper (no Thunderwing...), as well as PCC Stakeout w/ Protectobots (no Destrons).
Seibertron have received a reply from Hasbro US regarding the Power Core Combiner Spastic.� As you may remember we broke news that the Scottish newspaper The Daily Record had picked up on the name of this character and were talking about how the name is often used as an offensive term.� During my report I speculated that the toy would not see a UK release anyway and these thoughts have now been confirmed by Hasbro in the following statement.
"Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and for the
opportunity to respond. The TRANSFORMERS brand intended no offense by
use of the name "SPASTIC" for one of its products which has not and will
not be available via traditional retail channels in Europe, including
the the UK. Thank you once again for notifying us about your concern.
As a marketer of children�s products, input from parents, families and
fans regarding their experiences with our brands is extremely important
to us. Our goal is to have all families who enjoy our brands feel good
about their purchases and experiences."
KO Toys has posted a gallery of the upcoming Transformers Generations Sargent Kup toy.
�Kup remains a pickup truck, but more of a realistic one then the more futuristic Generation One Kup character / toy.
We have updated our Transformers in the media section with five new Japanese Hobby Magazine scans.
The images come courtesy of Modox Toys and include Hyper Hobby December 2010, TV Magazine November and December 2010 and TV Boy November and December 2010.�
You can see the images by clicking on the hyperlinks below.