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After the initial announcement that the Botcon 2011 theme would be one of Transformers Animated, Fun Publications have updated the Official Botcon website with more information including the images of the first exclusive form this years boxset a recoloured Jazz as the Stunticon Dead End. You can view the images below.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 28th January 2011 at 08:54:06 GMT
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The BotCon Twitter page has been updated with the announcement that this years Botcon theme will indeed be Transformers Animated and that Derrick J Wyatt, art director on the show has been instumental with the designs.
BotCon 2011 will feature Transformers Animated...” and... "DerrickJWyatt was instrumental in BotCon 2011 Convention set. Every Animated fan will want this set! More details to come at
Stay with us for more details as they are announced
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 27th January 2011 at 21:51:13 GMT
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The official BotCon twitter account has been updated with a skeptic line covering the theme for BotCon 2011
Just realized
SO many stories and/or TF continuities (as a whole) were told in
installments/seasons of 3... Well, get ready for Season 3.5!
So is this a line after G1 - doubtful
Possibly a link between Beast Wars and Beast Machines - more likely
More from the Unicron Trilogy - using up names and characters, the most least likely
A final farewell to Transformers Animated - the most popular, but becuase of that maybe too likely
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 22:36:55 GMT
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Jim Sorenson has posted some of the Transformers cartoon episode sctips on his blog 'The Disciples of Boltax' blog
The scripts are Dinobot Island Part 1 and 2
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 22:31:03 GMT
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Kapow Toys also went to the UK toyfair this year to speak to Hasbro UK and see the upcoming Transformers line. As always photographs are not allowed at the UK toyfair, but you can expect to see many of these at the US Toyfair.
He also points out the Transformers Crossovers and Transformers Generations has ended.
1) Transformers Movie 3 Mechtech Deluxe Assortment
New Mechtech weapons system features an assortment of new key
transformers movie 3 characters. Includes new deployable mechtech weapon
system that works with other mechtech assortments. Deployable weapons
attach and convert in both modes
2) Transformers Movie 3 Mechtech Voyager Assortment
New Mechtech weapons system features an assortment of new key
transformers movie 3 characters. Larger scale voyagers include bigger
mechtech weapons that can be attached at multiple points in both robot
and vehicle mode.
3) Transformers Movie 3 Mechtech Leader Assortment
Largest scale movie themed Mechtech weapons provide the most features in
the mechtech system. Weapons include light and sounds and attach into
large scale converting characters in both robot and vehicle modes.
Weapon conversion deploys when attached.
4) Transformers Movie 3 Ultimate Optimus Prime
Movie 3 features Optimus Prime driving into battle with his weapon
trailer. Trailer converts into Mech suit that powers up Optimus Prime.
Try me packaging with lights and sound. Optimus Prime has several ports
to armor up with Mechtech weapons from other characters.
Cyberverse - ( Scout and Legends class with extras )
1) Cyberverse Legion Assortment
Create the massive and immersive transformers world. Cyberverse Legion
delivers smaller scale key characters and aspirational styling that is
seen throughout the transformers world. This is the entry price point
for Cyberverse and Transformers.
2) Cyberverse Commander Assortment
Create the massive and immersive transformers world. Play out the heroic
story with a collection of larger scale more prominent figures from the
transformers world. Large roster of key recognisable characters drive
3) Cyberverse Ark Playset
The Cyberverse Ark is the capstone of the Cyberverse world. The Ark
provides 2 in 1 play as it converts from vehicle mode to battle station.
Includes light, sound and projectiles as well as multiple battle
scenario play. Also includes a figure.
4) Cyberverse Action Set Assortment
Multi configurable sets have a variety of modes an include legion or
commander sized figures. Sets have a wide range of features including
weapons, accessories, ramps and gunner stations. Connect 2 or all 6
together to build out your ultimate world.
Robot Heroes
1) Robo Fighters - can you say Action Master ???
Traditional Action figure play with simply push button activiation in
robots chest reveals special weapons and gear for each character.
Assortment includes top tier characters like Bumblebee and Optimus Prime
that children love.
2) Activators
Great introduction to the transformers fantasy and conversion play.
Simple push button activation allows kids to change back and forth from
vehicle to robot mode.
3) Go-Bots
Pull back and go in both robot and vehicle mode.
4) Revving Robots assortment
Introduction to Transformer brand with great crash and bash play. Big
demonstratable weapon is kid activated through shoudler trigger. Weapon
has lights and soundthat get bigger brighter and louder the more kids
play with it.
5) Bash Bots
Head to head battle play with more than meets the eye magic. Pick your
opponent and engage in battle. Push the trigger for automatic vehicle to
robot conversion. Knock your opponent off of their base for ultimate
victory. Top tier characters Optimus Prime, Bumblebee , Megatron and
6) Optimus Prime Cyber Blaster
Key weapon that Optimus uses to takeout the decepticon threat and save
earth. Heroic blaster with lights sound and multipe projectiles help
children playout the climatic battle scene.
7) Energon Shock Sword
Key weapon used by the nest forces and a key character in the movie 3
battles. Automatic converting weapon converts from cybertronian weapons
into the energon shock sword used to protect earth from the decepticons.
8) Battle Mask Assortment
Converting Battle mask with moveable visor for normal to battle mode play. Includes Optimus and Bumblebee.
Movie Speedstars & Stealth Force
1) Mini Chargers assortment - Please be a MASK redux!
Create your own battles with the Stealth Force mini chargers . These
1/50 scale vehicles include manual weapon reveal and come complete with
figure for out of the pack battles.
2) Stealth Force Assortment
Transform and roll out Easy pull activation for partial transformation weapon reveal and vehicle battle mode. Try me packaging.
3) Stealth Force Deluxe Assrotment
As above but push button activation
4) Stealth Force Bumblebee
With the push of a button Bumblebee unleashes a fury of offensive and
defensive weapons in a dramatic reveal. Also with lights and sound for
more realism, only this Bumblebee with allow boys to play out full
vehicle battling.
Everything Else - The Survivors!!
1) Powercore Scouts and Battlepacks
2) Battle In Space
3) Transformers Deluxe Assortment _ Reveal the Shield
4) Voyager Assortment - Reveal the Shield
5) Leader Assortment - Battle Hooks Prime and Starscream
6) Activators
7) Scouts
8) Legends
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 22:29:00 GMT
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Kapow Toys has received some information on the upcoming Transformers Dark of the Moon Cyberverse Ark playset.
the Cyberverse Ark is the capstone to the cyberverse world, the ark
provides 2 in 1 play as it converts from vehicle mode into a large
battle station. Includes light and sounds, projectiles as well as
multiple battle scenario play. Also includes a figure
4 years and up , batteries not included, 4 per case
This is from the uk toy fair catalogue, no transformers were on display sadly and were under guard in a separate room
Forgot to add Cyberverse figs start at / are legend scale, the bumblebee
and tank / battle station pic Doing the rounds is from the action set
assortment of which there are 6 to collect and connect
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 22:26:40 GMT
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Kapow Toys has received some information on the upcoming Transformers Dark of the MoonUltimate Optimus Prime toy. The figure is set to come with a trailer and is priced similarly to Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Devastator.
Movie 3 features Optimus Prime driving into battle with his weapon
trailer! Trailer converts into mech suit that powers up Optimus Prime.
Try me packaging with light and sound. Optimus Prime has several ports
to armor up with mechtech weapons from other characters
Not suitable for under 5 years old
2 per carton which means it's at the devastator price point if history repeats itself
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 22:25:38 GMT
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 08:32:59 GMT
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MSN has listed several episodes of Transformers Prime, which you can see below.
- 11/02/11 - Master and Students
- 18/02/11 - Scraphead (said to feature Scraplets)
- 25/02/11 - Con Job
- 04/03/11 - Convoy
They also list a repeat of the Behind the Scenes program due to air on 27/02/11
Category: Transformers: Prime
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 08:30:43 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on have uploaded scans from the latest issue of Figure King (Feb 2011). The images include Masterpiece Rodimus, Transformers United (including War for Cybertron) and the first image that I have seen of the Japanese Transformers Animated DVD.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 08:28:43 GMT
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Tickets for next weeks Winter Wonderfestival, in Tokyo Japan, went on sale today. As always we'll be looking to bring you images from the event, this time (hopefully) in person.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 08:24:34 GMT
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It's days like this when being the administrator of this site means that it
is my sad duty to bring you some very sad news. I received an email this
afternoon from Galvy's wife informing me that her husband passed away
suddenly on the 4th January.
Galvy was a long time member of this
community first joining the message board on the 11th March 2003 and
was one of our more active members since the board moved away from
Proboards in 2008.
Once again, on behalf of this website and its members, I would like to publicly pass on all our condolences to Galvy's family at this time. Galvy was a valued member of this community who's posts would often bring a smile to my face and he will very much be missed.
I have created a topic on the message board where members can post their messages of condolence if they wish.
Steve aka Quartz
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 24th January 2011 at 14:17:58 GMT
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I have updated the Transformers Toy Gallery section of the website to contain a new gallery of one of the Family Mart campaign figures that was released in Japan last year. The gallery is of the clear leader class Optimus Prime figure from the Transformers Revenge (Revenge of the Fallen) toyline. We bought the figure last year as apart of a bulk auction that included 95% of the Family Mart Prizes, only we did not get around to photographing this figure until yesterday. Its a bit of a sad tale for this toy really, that was opened, transformed, and then put in a cupboard for a few months even though we planned on keeping him in his box on a shelf with the rest of the Movieverse figures as as well as taking the gallery yesterday he has now joined his "brothers" rather than hi-jacking the Masterpiece shelf.
Anyway, I digress, you can check out the image gallery of this limited edition toy here. Enjoy!
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 23rd January 2011 at 12:17:21 GMT
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 23rd January 2011 at 11:08:14 GMT
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 23rd January 2011 at 10:21:17 GMT
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