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An auction for a carded Transformers Dark of the Moon Laserbeakon ebay.
Laserbeak is set to be released in Wave 3 of the Transformers Dark of the Moon toyline, so if could be that that wave has been bought forward.
According to Deadline.com the US release date for the third live action Transformers Movie, Transformers: Dark of the Moon has been pushed forward by two days to Wednesday June 29th. Deadline reported: "I've just learned that Paramount is moving up Michael Bay's Transformers: Dark Of The Moon to Wednesday, June 29th from Friday, July 1st. The studio's big Summer 2011 blockbuster will open day and date in all markets except China and Japan on that new date. "Early response to footage, especially the 3D footage, has been great so we want to get the word out that this film is as good or better than the first and much better than the last," an insider just told me. It's the only action movie opening between June 24th and July 15th."
Until an official statement is made regarding this, I would take it as speculation
Botcon.com have updated their website with the full schedule of events which you can find by visiting Botcon.com
We have updated theTransformers toys instruction sheets section of the website with some new PDF instructon sheets entries.
Of the updates, the following new entries were added into the database:
You can download copies of the instruction sheets from our Transformers toys instruction sheets section of the website.
YouTuber Peaugh has posted his video review of Transformers Dark of the Moon Powerglide and Blackout. The toys are part of the Cyberverse Commanders. You can watch the video below.
Thanks to TwitVid another clip from Transformers Dark of the Mooncan now be seen online.
Transformers Prime concept artist Ken Christiansen has annouced that he will be appearing at BotCon.
Hey TransFans, I'll be appearing at BotCon, in the Artists Alley, June 2 - 5!
Unfortunatley Ken isn't an official guest (it still shocks me the lack of Transformers Prime guests) but will instead be in the Artist Alley peddling his wears.
Hasbro have sent out the following Transformers Dark of the Moon press release and high scale image of Transformers Dark of the Moon Leader Class Bumblebee (click for high res)
FrenzyRumble has posted a video review of the PE-11 Scouting Force X Third Party Reflector toy (thanks to Full Metal Hero for the spot)
Our exclusive Transformers In the Media section has been updated with six more galleries from the 1998 TV Magazine which is published in Japan.
Full Metal Hero have posted another image of Transformers Dark of the Moon.
They don't say where the image originates from, and it's only a small image, but it's worth having a look.