Michael Bay has posted two new Transformers: Dark of the Moon TV Spots over on YouTube. The spots are titled "Everything" and "Secret" and can be viewed below.
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Michael Bay has posted two new Transformers: Dark of the Moon TV Spots over on YouTube. The spots are titled "Everything" and "Secret" and can be viewed below.
Site member Omegastoopreme reports that "The Argos Website has a listing for the Human Alliance Basics from DOTM.
Not in stock yet but it shows that we are getting them despite some earlier comments to the contrary.
ICafe8 have postted an article comfirming that the Chinese company Net Dragon's Transformers Online game, a Massively Multiplayer Online game, licensed by Hasbro, will be based on Transformers Prime.
You can see the article, and three design models here
Paramore have annouced that they too will feature a song, Monster, on the Transformers Dark of the Moon soundtrack. The known tracks are listed below.
Linkin Park - 'Iridescent'
Paramore - 'Monster'
My Chemical Romance - 'The Only Hope For Me Is You'
Taking Back Sunday - 'Faith'
Staind - 'The Bottom'
Art Of Dying - 'Get Thru This'
Goo Goo Dolls - 'All That You Are'
Theory Of A Deadman - 'Head Above Water'
Black Veil Brides - 'Set The World On Fire'
Skillet - 'Alive & Awake' (remix)
Mastodon - 'Just Got Paid' (ZZ Top
Botcon have posted some more updated over on Twitter. First up they announced that in addition to the eight artists announced on 29th April, five more have now been announced. Those are Ken Christiansen, Sara Lopez, David Wong, Tyla Sprouse and Livio Ramondelli.
In a 2nd Tweet, they announced that the Exhibitor Hall has now completely sold out!!
TakaraTomy have updated their Official Transformers website some new information and pages. The updates are:
1. A page dedicated to the upcoming Tokyo Toy Show exclusive Transformers United Dark Side Optimus Prime & Dark Side Megatron toys.
2. They also have information on another toy that will be available for pre-ordering at the event on the 16th and 17th June 2011, Transformers Dark Side Moon DA-15 Jetwing Optimus Prime. This toy will actually be released in July 2011.
3. They have also announced that the latest Masterpiece toy, MP-10 New Convoy will be shown off at the event.
4. Finally, they have added page dedicated to the Lawson exclusive Transformers: Dark Side Moon Dark Side Optimus Prime.
The Toys R Us website is currently offering a Buy One Get One Half Price offer on all Transformers: Dark of the Moon items. If you are a fan of DotM or, like us, have not bothered to get anything thus far, this offer may be the best time to start.
I've corrected the offer as I had put it down as Buy One Get One Free. Let this be a lesson, don't type news stories whilst working on two projects and training, you'll loose track :p
YouTuber TheKutaKowboy has posted a video review of Transformers: DarkSide Moon (the Japanese name for Transformers: Dark of the Moon) voyager class Optimus Prime with MechTech trailer. You can watch the video below.
Thanks to two auctions on TaoBao we can bring you the profiles for the upcoming Transformers Dark of the Moon Toys R Us exclusive Mission Earth Scan Series figures. This sub-line of Transformers: Dark of the Moon is based on the scenes where the Transformers "trans-scan" into the Earth based vehicle modes. The first figures to be released in this line are Sideswipe and Ironhide, who's profiles we can bring you, with the second wave being Bumblebee and Ratchet. So here are the profiles.
Sideswipe: There are two things SIDESWIPE likes more than anything else in the Galaxy: Pummeling DECEPTICONS and fast cars. He chose to scan a vehicle that would allow him to enjoy both. He now arrives to the fight in a stylish, cutting-edge sports car ready to junk any DECEPTICON that dares put a scratch in his paint!
Ironhide: "IRONHIDE may be the most battle-hardened AUTOBOT. Countless encounters
with the DECEPTICONS have taught him that the proper vehicle mode is
essential to battlefield success. Trucks, he thinks, are the ultimate in
vehicle mode superiority. And he`s just found one that rivets utility,
durability, and performance together in one mean DECEPTICON smashing
e-Hobby have updated their store with some new images of the Transformers United DS Optimus Prime and Megatron figures. The toys are the black re-paints of the Transformers United / Transformers Universe War For Cybertron Optimus Prime and Megatron figures.
American Metal band, Mastodon are the latest band to annouce that they have a song on the Transformers: Dark Of The Moon soundtrack, due for release on coming June 14th.
Their facebook page stated
They will have their cover of ZZ
Top's classic "Just Got Paid" featured, alongside cuts from Linkin Park,
My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides and more.
There is a new Goo Goo Dolls song, "All That You Are" featured on the
Transformers 3 soundtrack. You can check out the full track listing and
pre-order the soundtrack today at the link below!
Transformers: Dark of the Moon | Official Soundtrack & Score Site
Mike, from KO-Toys have posted some images of the boxes and instructions that their knock-off cassettes will come in along with the following update
"Thats good cause one dino cassette needs one part a bit tighter, so we were hoping last time would be the last adjustment but it looks like we will need maximum 1 more, which will add 1 more week to it. I will post the tighter samples later (also they are using more of the right pins). here are some of the package design photos"
GenZhao then later added that these figures are likely to be released next month. You can see copies of the images below.