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Transformers News: Category - "All News Stories"

Welcome to the Transformers At The Moon news desk

This area of the website is dedicated to Transformers news. Currently this website contains 11223 news stories divided over 749 pages. You can submit a news story by using our news submission page.

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Below you will find a list of the categories in which news stories on this website are published. Simply click on the category to view the latest news stories within that category.
  1. AFA Graded Transformers - AFA graded Transformers related news and information. For more details regarding AFA Transformers including the latest ratings, going prices and how to get your figure rated, please visit
  2. G.I. Joe - We are also fans of G.I-Joe and so on occasionally we run news stories related to that Hasbro line, primarily related to the live action films.
  3. Lucky Draw Transformers - These news stories are reported both on Lucky Draw Transformers .com as well as Transformer Toys
  4. Older News
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  6. The - The news stories within this category appear on The as well as Transformers At The Moon
  7. Toy Industry News - This section contains toy industry related news stories, including press releases, NPD sales charts and other events that may have a knock on affect to Hasbro Inc, TakaraTomy or Transformers in general.
  8. Trans-Europe Express Group News - The Trans-Europe Express was a Yahoo! Group where a few people collaboration to share information on what was going in within Europe relating to Transformers as well as promoting a united European fan community.
  9. Transformer Toy Sightings - This is where you will find toy sighting related news stories.
  10. Transformers Animated - Transformers Animated was the cartoon / comic / toy form that the Transformers took from late 2007 until 2010. These news stories are published on Transformers as well as on Transformers At The Moon
  11. Transformers Cartoons
  12. Transformers Comic News
  13. Transformers Convention News
  14. Transformers Interviews and Articles
  15. Transformers Merchandise
  16. Transformers Movie News
  17. Transformers Power Core Combiners - News related to the 2010 Transformers subline known as the Power Core Combiners. These news stories are published both on Transformers At The Moon as well as Transformers Power Core
  18. Transformers Product Listings
  19. Transformers Rumours
  20. Transformers Toy News
  21. Transformers Trademark News - News stories relating to trademark applications that Hasbro Inc have made with the USPTO. These stories are always broken here first.
  22. Transformers: Prime - Transformers: Prime is the name of the 2010 CGI Transformers cartoon which aired on the Hasbro-Discovery joint TV channel The Hub in the fall of 2010 within the US.
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Transformers Toy News

Full Metal Hero has posted images and informaton on the PerfectEffect PE-DX01 confirming the long held suspicion that the PE-12 was to be an Acree homage.

These new images showing both Alt and Robot modes, clearly show that PE are sticking to their concept of total integration, with the gun neatly becoming part of her vehicle mode.

Perfect Effect
Perfect Effect
Perfect Effect
Perfect Effect
Perfect Effect
Perfect Effect

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 1st October 2011 at 11:39:17 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Snakas is reporting that Takara Tomy Shareholder of the year exclusives are showing up on Yahoo auctions.� This award is for an item that is distributed to shareholders featuring the Tomica Transformers trailer., with verification of the authenticity on the Investor Relations page of the official site TOMY.

The trailer containing the TF is an item for those under preferential shares held by 1000, bundled with Pikachu Choro Q.

Such as online auctions, items less than 1,000 shares or special offers, so often end up with a rate of about several hundred yen and eventually people are aimed Ok, maybe I'd better wait a bit.�

Japanese Store Exclusive

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 1st October 2011 at 11:16:20 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers RumoursAutomaton Toys has shared some interesting information regarding Tarkara's new Chronicle sets over on the Cybertron.CA forums.� They report that the inner flaps of the Chronicle boxes reveal pictures of possible future Chronicle sets including Ratchet, Ironhide, Starscream and Shockwave.

Category: Transformers Rumours | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 1st October 2011 at 11:06:25 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Thanks to Paramount Pictures for letting us know that you can stream Transformers Dark of the Moon right now.

Stream Transformers Dark of the Moon online

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 30th September 2011 at 19:32:26 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Thanks to Full Metal Hero for pointing out the images on ACToys of the TF Club�Star Cats rescue team Dinosaur Combiner

TFC Club DinobotStar Cats rescue team combiner

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 29th September 2011 at 16:43:48 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers: Prime

Transformers Prime One Shall Rise Clip thanks to MTV

Get More: MTV Shows

Category: Transformers: Prime | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 29th September 2011 at 16:19:01 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsRoll Out Roll Call, the UK convention show for Transformers, GI-Joe & Action Force is back, announcing their first weekender dates for 2012 and a new bigger venue.

Taking place over the 10th and 11th of March 2012 at The Jury's Inn in Southampton, England, the show promises to be even mo�re popular bringing together fans and collectors under one roof.

As part of the launch, the first two guests have been announced in the form of two legendary writers, GI-Joe A Real American Hero writer Larry Hama (who will be signing for the first time in the UK) and Transformers & Action Force writer Simon Furman.

�More guests will be announced, as will additional features for the show, including presentations and panels. Tickets will go on sale soon and will have limited availability. For more launch details on the show visit Roll Out Roll Call or follow @rolloutrollcall on Twitter�

Roll Out Roll Call

We'll be there, make sure you are!

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 29th September 2011 at 08:41:54 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsAuto Assembly Europe's website at Auto Assembly Europe 2011 in Uppsala is finally fully live - now you can find lots of informative pages on general info, our guests, goodie bag contents, the hotel and how to get the discounted hotel rooms, tips on how to reach Uppsala when you travel by plane, train, bus and ferry, and so on. More pages will be added frequently!

Don't forget to register for the convention, which takes place in Uppsala, Sweden, on the weekend of 12-13 November!

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 28th September 2011 at 11:24:05 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Cartoons

Following on from the last news story, and last weeks update, Jim Sorenson has posted The Ark Addendum - The Insecticon Syndrome Part 2 to his blog which continues on with more character models from the Generation One debut episode of the Insecticons.

Here's Jim to explain more:

"This week, it's time for the Ark Addendum from The Insecticon Syndrome, part two.� We get some really nifty interiors and exteriors in this episode, including the Nova Power Plant and the Iron Mountain military base.�

It was consuming the Nova Power Core that made the Insecticons grow large and unstable.� Really, the episode has a very odd structure.� The Insecticons are enlisted to help the Decepticons, attack a power plant, grow large, attack the real target, turn on the Decepticons.� All the while, they're getting ready to explode... it's just sorta random.� It almost feels like two episodes smushed together.� As much as I have a nostalgic bone for the classic Transformers, newer shows really are much tighter and more well written.

Category: Transformers Cartoons | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 27th September 2011 at 19:34:44 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Interviews and Articles7 days ago Jim Sorenson updated his blog, The Disciples of Boltax, with another new Ark Addendum.� The post was titled The Ark Addendum - The Insecticon Syndrome (Part 1) and, as the name suggests, it covered character models from the debut episode of the Insecticons in the Generation One cartoon.

Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 27th September 2011 at 08:56:39 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Interviews and Articles

Toy Industry magazine ��Toy News's Samantha Loveday recently sat down with Hasbro Europe's Country Manager for UK &?Irelan, Foye Pascoe to discuss the recent success of the company.� Below are some quotes that contained Transformers related anwsers, but you can read the full article here.

How has the UK market performed so far this year? Are we in better shape than this time last year?
Hasbro UK has experienced a 14 per cent growth (UK NPD EPOS YTD June 2011). This is due to the strong performance of the recent Transformers movie, and a number of our key brands including Play-Doh, Furreal Friends and Nerf and our key licensed properties within the boy�s category.

What lines have performed well for you so far this year?
We are proud that we have experienced good performance across the full range of our toys and games.
Not only are some key films helping deliver the Transformers and Marvel toy lines, but we are also seeing growth of our classic brands such as Play-Doh, Furreal Friends, Nerf and Supersoaker.

Are there any sectors in particular which have stood out? Boys must have been boosted by the new Transformers lines, for example?
The boys segment has undoubtedly been boosted by a number of key films; Transformers Dark of the Moon has had a positive impact on the Transformers retail presence. Our alliance with Marvel has delivered strong product lines both for Captain America and Thor this year. Star Wars has had a good year and was the number one property in action figures UK (NPD EPOS YTD June 2011).

Finally, any hot tips from your 2012 product line to watch out for?
2012 will be another great year for action films for which we have a range of boys� toys and games.

Star Wars re-mastered Episode One will hit cinemas in February. Battleship will preview in May, followed by the much-publicised Avengers film from Marvel later in the month.

The Amazing Spider-man will launch in July. Transformers will continue to connect with boys through Transformers Prime programming on Cartoon Network.

Within our girl�s portfolio, My Little Pony programming is currently on air on Boomerang and connecting with a whole new generation of girls.

Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 27th September 2011 at 08:51:06 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

We have updated theTransformers toys instruction sheets section of the website with some new PDF instructon sheets entries.

The following entries were update with PDF scans that were previously missing:

  1. Transformers DOTM Icepick 29618 Instructions

You can download copies of the instruction sheets from our Transformers toys instruction sheets section of the website.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 27th September 2011 at 03:00:14 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

We have updated theTransformers toys instruction sheets section of the website with some new PDF instructon sheets entries.

Of the updates, the following new entries were added into the database:

  1. Transformers DOTM Icepick 29618 Instructions

You can download copies of the instruction sheets from our Transformers toys instruction sheets section of the website.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 26th September 2011 at 04:00:06 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Snakas has written a little summary regarding what is contained in November issue of Dengeki Hobby

  • Darkside Moon toys
  • Lucky Draw Mech Tech Weapons
  • More on the UNIQLO recolour of Optimus Prime
  • Infomation on a Chinese Heat Cardgame tournament

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 25th September 2011 at 11:04:41 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Snakas has written a little summary regarding what is contained in Figure King Issue 164

  1. Information / images of Transformers Darkside Moon toys including Ultimate Optimus Prime, Roadbuster and Leadfoot
  2. Interview with Mr Takashi Kunihiro
  3. More Lucky Draw MechTech weapons
  4. 4th series of Transformers gum kits including Rodimus Convoy and Star Saber
  5. Confirmation of the Beast Wars II DVD boxset which comes with a Mech Tech campaign

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 25th September 2011 at 11:01:54 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

News Page Navigation

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Simply click on the number of the page you wish to jump to.

Transformers Toy Galleries
Drag Strip Drag Strip
Click the link or image above to view the Drag Strip toy gallery. The gallery contains 17 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for HASBROCON with the USPTO on the Monday, 9th May 2016. The mark was submitted within the category Organizing and conducting entertainment conventions, exhibitions, and fan clubs in the fields of toys, animation, comic books, fantasy literature and games, electronic games, board games, science fiction literature, television, and film and currently has as status of Abandoned because no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice of Allowance was issued. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page..
Transformers Cartoon Series
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The image of the magazine Broadcast was taken by UK TF fan Colin Warhurts, and appeard on his SiabsFilms website. ....
Transformers Comics
Choose Your Fate Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Videos
Ep 6: Grimlock Transformation Ep 6: Grimlock Transformation
The Dinobot leader Grimlock transformers for the first time on Dinobot island, whilst Snarl and Swoop watch on. ....
Transformers Conventions and Events
OTFCC 2003 (USA) OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
Transformers At The Moon Members Only
Visit the Portal area of this website for the members only features. To become a member, visit the message board.
Right Now on eBay
Other Websites run by The Mapes Bros
Transformers At The Moon Transformers Prime Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Transformers AFA Graded Transformers The Visionaries .net
About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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