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A brand new, and very special. Transformers book is released tomorrow called "Bumblebee & Me" exclusively from The book, which is available in both paperback and Kindle formats, is written by the voice of Generation One Bumblebee, Dan Dilvezans and chronicle his time working on the show. "It's filled with stories, remembrances, anecdotes,
profiles of my fellow cast mates and previously unpublished
photographs, and it should satisfy even the most discerning
Transfan" says Dan about the book.
Make sure to check it out on Amazon.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 9th December 2011 at 19:43:35 GMT
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Transformers Generations Sky Shadow is a recoloured, remolded, version
of Transformers Generations Thunderwing based on the original Japanese
Black Shadow toy from the Transformers Victory line. Back then Black
Shadow and Blue Bacchus made up the group known as the Crossformers. In
2011 the name Black Shadow could not be used, so Hasbro went for
Skyshadow, a name with several uses previously in the line.
The original Black Shadow toy is quiet hard to find, though you can see a
full image gallery of that figure on Transformers At The Moon. This
image gallery of his Transformers Generations update also features
comparison pictures to the original.
Transformers Generations Skyshadow is a really nice toy and a great
partial remold. The figure took a while for release, but the colour and
molding changes make the toy significently different from the original
Thunderwing release.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 8th December 2011 at 21:12:08 GMT
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Auto Assembly 2012 Christmas Sale Extended!
Auto Assembly's Twelve Days Of Christmas campaign is already well underway with several announcements and videos under our belts but we have barely scratched the surface with what is to come for the rest of December...
Not only have we released our first two videos including Mark Ryan's special Q&A Panel from Auto Assembly 2011 and the first news about Auto Assembly Europe 2012, but we also announced our Christmas Sale on Adult Weekend tickets for Auto Assembly 2012 which has seen prices slashed by a massive 20% for those of you booking tickets online by midnight on 24th December but there's more to come...
It's not just attendees who can save money though as we're now pleased to announce a special Christmas offer for Dealers as well! If you want to attend Auto Assembly 2012 as a dealer and you book and pay for your tables by 24th December 2011, then we will give you a FREE full page advert in our new digital fanzine, CT Alpha! Our normal rates for advertising is £25 for a page or £20 per page when 2 pages or more are booked together. To see a copy of the magazine, ivist the website at to download a FREE copy of Issue Zero.
But what about all of our dealers who have already booked tables? Well, this offer is being extended to them as well so they will be contacted and offered a complimentary advert as well in an upcoming issue of CT Alpha!
More instalments of Auto Assembly's Twelve Days Of Christmas are on the way soon including more exclusive convention footage, at least FOUR guest announcements and a few more surprises so don't forget to keep checking all the major forums and websites for all the latest news and developments!
If you've already bought tickets for Auto Assembly 2012, or can't make it next year, why not buy one as a late Christmas present for a friend? if you email us when you book the ticket, we can arrange for the booking confirmation to be sent to someone else, with a special personalised message from you! If you haven't bought your own ticket yet, there's still time to take advantage of our discount offer!
Auto Assembly 2012 is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, England. To book your tickets or to find out more, visit the website at you are interested in attending next year as a dealer, or are interested in sponsoring the convention in any way, please email us at
We hope to see you all in August...
The Auto Assembly Team
Web: / /
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Toyz And Gamez -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 8th December 2011 at 15:14:29 GMT
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Auto Assembly's 12 Days Of Christmas - Day Two
Day Two of Auto Assembly's Twelve Days Of Christmas and our second video
brings you all a little news update...
Stay tuned for our next video being released on 9th December 2011!
Don't forget, our special Christmas sale is still running on tickets for
Auto Assembly 2012 where you can get adult weekend passes for just £35, saving
over 20% on the normal price as long as you order online by 24th December! For
more details on Auto Assembly or to book your tickets, visit the website at
Have a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
The Auto Assembly Team
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 7th December 2011 at 19:46:39 GMT
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Chris Ryall has posted preview art via Twitte from the upcoming Transformers Regeneration 80.5.
The artwork is drawn by Andrew Wildman (guest at Roll Out Roll Call 2012) and coloured by - and also teases at the
debut of one Ultra Magnus, who was previously only used in the UK
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 7th December 2011 at 09:34:26 GMT
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We have added an image gallery of our latest Lucky Draw figure, the
Transformers Dark Side Moon (Dark of the Moon) Gold Mechtech Deluxe Bumblebee figure. The toy was limited to 10 pieces and was first was Lucky Draw figure from the third live action Transformers movie, with leader class Optimus Prime, Sentinal Prime and Megatron being released afterwards.
We own the prize letter that was sent out to the winners, though that had not been added to the image gallery yet.
We have decided not to open the figure at present so the gallery only includes images of the figure still carded.
Don't forget to check out our other Lucky Draw figures at
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 6th December 2011 at 20:58:17 GMT
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Jim Sorenson (one of the Roll Out Roll Call 2012 guests) finishes up his run of cassetticon transformation sequences
with this week's Ark Addendum update, Ratbat! Visit Jim's blog,
Disciples of Boltax, for his thoughts on the update.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 6th December 2011 at 20:16:32 GMT
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Each week, Hasbro Transformers Official Facebook Page is taking
questions for the cast and crew of the hit animated series “Transformers
Prime” from fans. Check out this week’s Fan Q&A with "Transformers
Prime" Writer's Assistant (and writer of the episode "
Stronger, Faster")
Mairghread Scott!
Martin asks: “Stronger, Faster” is one of my favourite “Transformers
Prime” episodes! Do you think the events of the episode have had a
permanent effect on Ratchet?
Mairghread Scott: Of course our Story Editor (the fabulous Duane
Capizzi) could answer this better, but I like to think my episode had
the most impact on Optimus. Ratchet does gain a certain confidence from
the events in "Stronger, Faster," but it's the first time someone really
calls out Optimus for not being more aggressive toward the Decepticons.
I think of this episode as the seed for Optimus' duel with Megatron in
"One Shall Fall."
You can read more from the
Hasbro Transformers Official Facebook Page.
For those who do not have the access, the article is mirrored after the jump.
Kelly Paradise asks:
Hello, Mairghread! First off, great episode. “Stronger, Faster“ is one
of my Favorite episodes of “Transformers Prime.” What tricks of the
trade do you suggest for somebody interested in writing for animated
Mairghread Scott: I think the most important thing to remember about
writing is re-writing. Only about 20% of my time is writing a brand new
script. 80% is tweaking, honing and cutting to make what I wrote better.
When it comes to writing animation, the secret is movement. Live action
TV is largely people standing around talking. In animation, your
characters can do anything while talking, so try to add movement however
you can (chases, fighting, even just walking from place to place).
Amber Whetstine asks: What inspires you for the episodes you write?
Mairghread Scott: I usually try to start with emotions when I write.
Using "Stronger, Faster" as an example: I noticed the Autobots rarely
attack the Decepticons head-on because they're so outnumbered. It's a
smart strategy, but it seemed to me that it must be frustrating
sometimes. You're whittling away at your enemy instead of having one
big, satisfying fight. I thought Ratchet would probably be even more
frustrated, because he's usually not even in the field; he's healing the
others so they can return to this drawn-out battle. "Stronger, Faster"
became a way for me to explore that frustration and Ratchet's desire for
a single, decisive victory. Also, I thought it would be cool to have an
Autobot tell off Optimus.
Catherine Martin asks: “Stronger, Faster” is one of my favourite
“Transformers Prime” episodes! Do you think the events of the episode
have had a permanent effect on Ratchet?
Mairghread Scott: Of course our Story Editor (the fabulous Duane
Capizzi) could answer this better, but I like to think my episode had
the most impact on Optimus. Ratchet does gain a certain confidence from
the events in "Stronger, Faster," but it's the first time someone really
calls out Optimus for not being more aggressive toward the Decepticons.
I think of this episode as the seed for Optimus' duel with Megatron in
"One Shall Fall."
Matt Spada asks: What have been some of the biggest challenges with
writing the show? What characters do you feel need to be more deeply
explored? Has it been difficult to work on a show with characters that
are over 20 years old and are viewed in a specific way?
Mairghread Scott: The biggest challenge in writing our show is the fact
that we're CG, so we have to be very careful about introducing new
characters, sets and props. On the bright side, it has pushed us to
build stronger main characters instead of just using endless new
On your next question, I actually worked really hard in Season 2 to
explore Miko more deeply. I know she's a bit polarizing for the fans,
but it takes guts to stand up to Megatron (especially when you're
ankle-high). In Season 2, I really tried to dig into that fearless part
of Miko's character.
As far as our characters’ history, I enjoy working with pre-existing
characters. Sure, we can't incorporate the entire history of each
Transformer, but I find it more interesting to deepen a character that
already exists, rather than just constantly inventing new characters.
Haley Franklin asks: Hey! Is it fun writing for Transformers Prime? I
bet it's very interesting to come up with ideas and actually put them
into an episode.
Mairghread Scott: It is super fun writing for “Transformers Prime!” My
favorite part is watching the actors record my script. My happiest
moment in "Stronger, Faster" was when Ratchet is trying to get Bulkhead
to spar with him. Jeffrey Combs (who plays Ratchet) was so into it he
actually started to tap Kevin Michael Richardson (who plays Bulkhead) on
the shoulder. If actors start getting into it, you know you've done
something right.
Thanks to everyone who asked questions! Roll Out!
- Mairghread
Category: Transformers: Prime
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 6th December 2011 at 20:15:32 GMT
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Auto Assembly 2012 Christmas Sale Now On!
Today is the first day of Auto Assembly's Twelve Days Of Christmas campaign
that we will be running between now and the 24th of December where we will be
making loads of announcements about next year's convention and bringing you
plenty of great new videos for our Youtube Channel, and to celebrate the release
of the first of these announcements later today, we're proud to be able to bring
you a special pre-Christmas sale on tickets for Auto Assembly 2012...
That's right, for the first time ever, we're joining in with the festive
spirit started by our friends at Savcon with their Black Friday sale, and
offering our full weekend Adult tickets for Auto Assembly 2012 at the specially
reduced price of £35 - a massive saving of £10 off the normal price but this is
for a limited time only! To take advantage of this great saving of over 20% you
must book your tickets online and before midnight on Christmas Eve!
If you've never been to Auto Assembly before, this may well be the perfect
incentive for you to make the decision to come and join us! With everything that
we have planned for the convention taking place in the Summer of 2012, we know
that it's going to be our biggest and best ever convention and with our move to
our new venue - the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel - we have the capacity to
offer you all much more than ever!
The ticket price will include full access to the convention all weekend
including the Saturday night programme, all of the workshops, a copy of our
convention magazine, a convention exclusive comic, and a goodie bag packed with
free gifts! Not sure if you can afford to make it to the convention? Well, Auto
Assembly isn't as expensive as you might think...
Not only are the ticket prices reduced for this limited period, but hotel
rates for Auto Assembly 2012 are at the lowest ever! Despite the Hilton being a
stunning four-star hotel, the convention rate for bedrooms are just £50 a night
for a single and £60 for a twin or double inclusive of breakfast! The hotel has
700 parking spaces in it's own on-site car park for those of you travelling by
car and is on the site on Birmingham International rail station and if you book
train tickets in advance you can make great savings on your rail journey!
For those of you travelling from outside of the UK, the convention hotel is
located adjacent to Birmingham International Airport and if you are travelling
to any other airport in the UK, there are fantastic rail links to Birmingham so
you are only a short train ride away! As Auto Assembly is taking place in
August, we're deep into the school holidays making it easier for families to
attend, and for those of you planning a holiday, we're running at the same time
as the 2012 Summer Olympics so you can join in the Olympic atmosphere while
you're with us!
We already have a great line-up of guests including voice actors Michael
Bell and Townsend Coleman, and a range of comic talent including Simon Furman
and James Roberts and we'll be announcing at least three more guests (including
our third voice actor) during December!
If you are interested in attending next year as a dealer, or are interested
in sponsoring the convention in any way, please email us at
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 6th December 2011 at 20:13:27 GMT
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Fort Worth, TX – December 1st, 2011 – Fun Publications, Inc., licensee for Hasbro’s official Transformers
Collectors’ Convention, BotCon,
announced today that next year’s award-winning convention will take
place at the Hyatt Regency Dallas from April 26th to April 29th.
The Hyatt Regency Dallas is now accepting hotel reservations for BotCon 2012.
Please use the website link below to book your hotel reservations.
To make your room reservations...Click Here
We look forward to seeing you!
In the next few weeks, Pop Culture enthusiasts from around the world will soon be able to register for
BotCon 2012 through the online registration system.
Fans and Collectors’ who register for
BotCon as a Primus package holder will receive the multiple figure convention set (theme and set to be
admission to the Friday private sales room experience, all panels and seminars throughout
the weekend and the Hall of Fame Celebration party. Finally, Primus package attendees
will also receive
a special bonus Transformers Deluxe figure to go along with their convention box set. General Admission
for non-registered guests will be available on Saturday and Sunday only.
Botcon Hotel Information
The Hyatt Regency Dallas is now accepting hotel reservations for BotCon 2012.
Please use the website link below to book your hotel reservations.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 5th December 2011 at 23:24:08 GMT
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Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 3rd December 2011 at 17:43:17 GMT
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MTV Geek
has posted an interview with legendary voice actors Peter Cullen and
Frank Welker on their roles in Transformers Prime as Optimus Prime and
Megatron respectively
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 2nd December 2011 at 08:44:15 GMT
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The Hub has posted a new Transformers Rescue Bots promotional image to their facebook page.

Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 1st December 2011 at 16:01:24 GMT
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The LA Times has written a scene by scene description of the Transformers: The Ride
During the queue pre-show, riders are recruited to join the Autobots in an alien robot showdown with the Decepticons.
The queue winds through the NEST military base, with video screens
explaining the ride's back story, and past an AllSpark containment
chamber that houses a glowing module containing the source of life for
all Transformers.
At the loading station, riders climb into a blue Autobot vehicle
known as Evac, which explains the mission: Protect the AllSpark from the
Scene 1: A mechanical Decepticon tiger named Ravage grabs the
AllSpark, leaps onto Evac's hood and claws at the passengers. Evac
escapes by driving erratically.
Scene 2: Bumblebee, an Autobot that can transform into a Volkswagen
Beetle, rescues Evac from the motorcycle-bot Sideways and entrusts the
riders to protect the AllSpark. Evac flees the scene by crashing through
a wall and plowing through city traffic.
Scene 3: Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, attacks Evac before
the Autobots' leader, Optimus Prime, comes to the rescue. During the
battle, Evac's riders narrowly escape Grindor's spinning helicopter
Scene 4: Evac drives evasively as Megatron gives chase. The evil
robot eventually captures Evac, who struggles and manages to break free.
Scene 5: Riders feel the heat of a tremendous explosion after
Megatron fires a missile at Evac, who maneuvers to avoid the oncoming
shell. Evac escapes through a hole blown in the side of a building by
the missile.
Scene 6: Evac gets sucked into a whirling vortex generated by Devastator, a Decepticon created by combining several robots.
Scene 7: Sideswipe, a Lamborghini Autobot, saves Evac and the pair
race through city streets battling Decepticons along the way. During the
high-speed chase, Evac fires a weapon at Bonecrusher, a bulldozer
Scene 8: Evac manages to escape a second encounter with Devastator
only to be grabbed by Starscream's grappling hook. The F-15 fighter jet
Decepticon flings Evac through the air, sending the hero robot crashing
into a building.
Scene 9: Optimus Prime and Megatron battle in a showdown between the alien robot leaders.
Scene 10: Autobot helicopters fire on Starscream, giving Evac a brief respite.
Scene 11: In the finale, Optimus Prime and Megatron continue their
fight on top of a skyscraper. Falling from the building, Megatron pulls
Evac over the edge with him and they hurtle headfirst toward street
below. At the last possible moment, Bumblebee leaps up and catches Evac.
Scene 12: With Megatron defeated, Optimus Prime congratulates Evac
and the rider recruits on a mission accomplished. With the ride over,
Evac heads to the unloading station where the passengers disembark
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 1st December 2011 at 15:52:39 GMT
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with information on his 2012 appearances
Yep, hardly has my passport been stowed from the last (and final)
convention appearance of 2011 (at Auto Assembly Europe earlier this
month), than the 2012 convention calendar starts to fill up! Already,
three personal appearances are confirmed, with more to come!
locked in are:
10th-11th March: Roll Out, Roll Call 2012 – a feast of
all things Transformers and G.I. Joe in Southampton (UK), with guests
including myself, Larry Hama and Andrew Wildman. For more info, check
out their website here.
19th-20th May: Kapow 2 – Mark Millar’s extraordinary
celebration of all things comic book returns for 2012, with a phenomenal
guest list already, with a host of special guests still to be
announced! For details, check out the Kapow website here.
3rd-5th August: Auto Assembly – the UK’s premier Transformers event, now in posh new digs for 2012. For details, check out the AA website here.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 30th November 2011 at 20:13:30 GMT
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