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The first of our massive Beast Wars II Cartoon Resource Project updates is now available for you to see. If you go to our Transformers Cartoons area you will find a full image gallery for Episode 1 of Transformers Beast Wars Second titled The New Force Arrives.
There are over 350 images for you to look at, including the Opening and Closing credits.
If you are a fan of Beast Wars II, remember you can also check out of original animation model archive for a different look at your favourite characters from Planet Gaea.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 20th February 2012 at 19:35:11 GMT
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Yahoo Auction Japan members may have spotted two auctions that ended over the last two days for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Gold Megatron. The first auction sold for 103,000 yen with the second auction, from the same seller, which also came with the a gold mech-tech weapon sold for 168,000 yen.

Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 20th February 2012 at 19:11:22 GMT
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Gamesradar has posted an article titled 15 things you need to know about Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. The 15 "need to know" points are listed below, but the article expands on each of them. Click here to read the article over on gamesradar. A couple of the more interesting points, Vortex can also transform into a jet and Gregg Berger will be voicing Grimlock!
- The plot begins immediately after War for Cybertron
- It has one campaign with different characters
- At least one Transformer has more than two forms
- Every Transformer has a unique ability
- Like Jazz's a grappling hook...
- Or Optimus Prime's control of the massive Metroplex...
- Or the Combaticons' ability to turn into Bruticus...
- Grimlock is in the game
- ...and he can transform into a fire-breathing robotic T-Rex
- You can buy and upgrade gear
- Cybertron is no longer flat
- Nolan North voices an archeologist
- There's more ammo this time
- There's no campaign co-op
- Character creation is insane
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 20th February 2012 at 19:05:41 GMT
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The Allspark have shared an English translation of the E-Hobby exclusive Black Rodimus Convoy comic, translated by the one and only Hydra! This short comic sets up how Black Rodimus Convoy is a clone born of Rodimus' own self-doubts, a dark reflection of his character. The comic also includes an English translation of the character's bio.
Not enough Black Rodimus Convoy for you? There's a full bio over at E-Hobby Magazine, again brought to you in English by Hydra! The full bio sheds more light on the circumstances leading up to the comic, revealing that it was the ghost of Starscream who led Rodimus to the cloning chamber!
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 20th February 2012 at 19:04:34 GMT
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 19th February 2012 at 16:55:43 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on has added track samples. Click here to check them out. The soundtrack can be pre-ordered by clicking here, priced at $15.93 and scheduled to release March 20th.
Track Listings
1. Transformers Prime
2. Optimus Prime Returns
3. One Shall Rise
4. Dreadwing
5. In Defense of Humanity
6. We Have Returned
7. Relentless Pursuit
8. This is Your Home Now
9. Autobot Stratagum
10. Battle in the Energon Mine
11. Proximity Sensors
12. Cutting It a Bit Close
13. The Cons Are Back
14. RC on the Move
15. Always Welcome
16. Arachnid
17. The Space Bridge
18. Dogfight
19. Bumblebee
20. Next Day after School
21. Cybertron
22. Megatron on the Move
23. The Construct
24. Prime Finale
25. Transformers Prime End Title
Also remember that Series 2 of Transformers Primeaires later today in hte US.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 18th February 2012 at 18:41:10 GMT
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GT TV ( video channel) has posted up a video that includes footage from the Transformers Fall of Cybertron game. During the video they also annouced that the gameplay follows a single story arc where you will switch between Autobt and Decepticon and that during Optimus Prime's level you will be able to summon Metroplex.
Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 17th February 2012 at 16:27:58 GMT
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3rd Party Transformers manufacturer, iGear, have updated their Facebook page with a new image of their upcoming Impactor figure. The toy is based on the Generation One character that was introduced in the original Marvel comic series. You can view the image below.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 17th February 2012 at 14:51:42 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on have announced that the third party group, Mastermind Creations, will be in attendance at this years Roll Out Roll Call. Here's a copy of the announcement.
"We are pleased and proud to announce that Mastermind Creations will be attending this years Roll Out Roll Call G.I. Joe and Transformers Convention.
Mastermind are known for their Knight Morpher Commander series, the upcoming Hexatron Sixchanger and massive Cyclops steamboat figures, one of the original and best companies to work within the modern Transformers fandom MMC cannot wait for you to see their work up close and reveal a few surprises along the way.
If your attending you can look forward to a fantastic display of art and figures plus a presentation detailing something very special.
You can check out MMC's official blog here Mastermind Creations and you can also discuss their work right here on FMH via their dedicated mini forum.
If your not already booked make sure you grab those tickets now!
Guarantee your Ticket Pass for the UK show dedicated to Transformers, Action Force and GI-Joe, Roll Out Roll Call 3, 10th & 11th of March 2012 at Jury's Inn, Southampton.
Roll Out Roll Call 3 Saturday Advance Purchase Ticket | All The Cool Stuff"
This is great news for fans of Transformers and we strongly urge everyone to attend the event.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 17th February 2012 at 14:42:06 GMT
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A new listing has been posted on Amazon
for the second book in Ryder Windham's Transformers Classified series. The book follows on from last years "Switching Gears" story and is called Battle Mountain. The book is due for a hardback, softback and digital release with the latter two coming out soon and the hardback out in October release.
Credit to for the news.
Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 17th February 2012 at 14:39:37 GMT
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Our thanks go out to Gojira72 for reporting a sighting of Transformers Prime figures in the Harrogate ASDA. He spotted two of each figure with the exception of Soundwave.
Category: Transformer Toy Sightings
| Submitted by: gojira72 -
on: Wednesday, 15th February 2012 at 20:33:33 GMT
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The Allspark and ToyWizard are both reporting that Malaysian retailers are starting to list two new TakaraTomy figure, Transformers Encore 23 Sixshot and Transformers Masterpiece 11S Sunstorm.
Sunstorm is rumoured to be a recolour of Transformers Masterpiece 11 Starscream (the new mold) and for some reason Toywiz are speculating that Sixshot may be the Figure King Lucky Draw Black Sixshot.
Allspark link
ToyWizard Sunstorm
ToyWizard Sixshot
Category: Transformers Rumours
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 15th February 2012 at 19:46:39 GMT
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Thanks to longtime Transformers At The Moon member, and news posted, Duckstar for pointing out that Tesco's Lakeside has Transformers Prime toys for sale.
Check his Twitter feed for images.
Category: Transformers: Prime
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 15th February 2012 at 16:24:33 GMT
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Category: Transformers: Prime
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 15th February 2012 at 08:34:10 GMT
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TFormers have more images from the Winter Wonderfestival, this time showing off some of the nice Garage kits. Included are Victory Leo (who was sold at the previous years event) along with a really nice Chromedome and a small Super Deformer Ultra Magnus (white cabinet robot).
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 14th February 2012 at 19:31:19 GMT
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