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Transformers Animated

Thanks to Richard for emailing us a "sneak peak" at the Spring / Summer 2009 Argos catalogue which will be released on the 17th January 2009.  You can view the cover as well as the page containing the Transformers listings by clicking on the thumbnails below.

Argos 2009 Spring / Summer CatalogueArgos 2009 Spring / Summer Catalogue

The toys listed are:

  1. 25th Anniversary Deluxe - £12.69 - Cat Number 369/7795.  Choice of 8.  G1 Classics Starscream is shown
  2. Transformers Universe Legends 5 Pack - £14.69 - Cat Number 387/7931 - Choice of two packs
  3. 25th Anniversary Voyager - £19.59 - Cat Number 369/8048 - Choice of 4.  Inferno is shown.
  4. 25th Anniversary Ultra - £24.49 - Cat Number 081/5099 (Argos Extra Only) - Choice of 2, Silverbolt is shown
  5. Transformers Animated Activators - £6.49 - Cat Number 387/6530 - Choice of 10. Grimlock and Patrol Bumblebee are shown
  6. Transformers Animated Bumper Battles - £9.79 - Cat Number 387/7405 - Night watch Optimus Prime is shown.
  7. Transformers Animated Deluxe - £12.69 - Cat Number 369/7647 - Blurr is shown
  8. Transformers Animated Leader Megatron - £29.39 - Cat Number 369/7692- Says styles may vary meaning it could include Shadow Blade Megatron.
  9. There is also a note that the Transformers Animated DS game is available on page 1750.

With the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen toys due for release before the Autumn / Winter Argos catalogue is released (start of August), either they will not be stocking the line, or most likely the figures will replace the 25th Anniversary ones nearer the time.

To other webmaster we'd appreciate it if you link to this original article rather than taking the information and hosting the images as there is no need to mirror the images as there are no bandwidth issues with our server.

Category: Transformers Animated | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 11th January 2009 at 21:12:07 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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