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Trademark Application 73381388 COBRA COMMANDER

Trademark Details

Trademark Source: USPTO
Mark (in words): COBRA COMMANDER
Serial Number: 73381388
Filing Date: Monday, 23rd of August 1982
Status: The registration has been renewed.
Status Date: Tuesday, 6th of February 2024
Registration Number: 1249109
Registration Date: Tuesday, 23rd of August 1983
Prior Reg Numbers:
Current Location: GENERIC WEB UPDATE
Date In Location: Tuesday, 6th of February 2024
Class Status: ACTIVE
Category: Action Figures

Actual Mark

Status History

  1. Tuesday, 6th of February 2024 - NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SEC. 8 & 9 - E-MAILED
  2. Tuesday, 6th of February 2024 - REGISTERED - SEC. 8 (10-YR) ACCEPTED/SEC. 9 GRANTED
  4. Tuesday, 6th of February 2024 - REGISTERED AND RENEWED (THIRD RENEWAL - 10 YRS)
  5. Friday, 11th of August 2023 - TEAS SECTION 8 & 9 RECEIVED
  6. Tuesday, 23rd of August 2022 - COURTESY REMINDER - SEC. 8 (10-YR)/SEC. 9 E-MAILED
  7. Tuesday, 2nd of July 2013 - REGISTERED AND RENEWED (SECOND RENEWAL - 10 YRS)
  8. Tuesday, 2nd of July 2013 - NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SEC. 8 & 9 - E-MAILED
  9. Tuesday, 2nd of July 2013 - REGISTERED - SEC. 8 (10-YR) ACCEPTED/SEC. 9 GRANTED
  11. Wednesday, 26th of June 2013 - TEAS SECTION 8 & 9 RECEIVED
  12. Wednesday, 26th of June 2013 - TEAS CHANGE OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED
  13. Friday, 25th of April 2008 - CASE FILE IN TICRS
  14. Saturday, 31st of May 2003 - REGISTERED AND RENEWED (FIRST RENEWAL - 10 YRS)
  15. Saturday, 31st of May 2003 - REGISTERED - SEC. 8 (10-YR) ACCEPTED/SEC. 9 GRANTED
  16. Thursday, 20th of March 2003 - REGISTERED - COMBINED SECTION 8 (10-YR) & SEC. 9 FILED
  17. Thursday, 20th of March 2003 - PAPER RECEIVED
  18. Tuesday, 21st of February 1989 - REGISTERED - SEC. 8 (6-YR) ACCEPTED & SEC. 15 ACK.
  19. Monday, 5th of December 1988 - REGISTERED - SEC. 8 (6-YR) & SEC. 15 FILED
  20. Tuesday, 23rd of August 1983 - REGISTERED-PRINCIPAL REGISTER
  21. Tuesday, 23rd of August 1983 - REGISTERED-PRINCIPAL REGISTER
  22. Tuesday, 31st of May 1983 - PUBLISHED FOR OPPOSITION
  23. Tuesday, 31st of May 1983 - PUBLISHED FOR OPPOSITION
  24. Thursday, 12th of May 1983 - NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
  25. Wednesday, 11th of May 1983 - NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
  26. Tuesday, 10th of May 1983 - NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
  27. Wednesday, 6th of April 1983 - APPROVED FOR PUB - PRINCIPAL REGISTER
  28. Monday, 31st of January 1983 - NON-FINAL ACTION MAILED
This mark was submitted on Monday, 23rd of August 1982 and was last updated on Tuesday, 6th of February 2024
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About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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