The season finale of Transformers Animated entitled A Bridge Too Close Part 2,
was shown within Canada on the 29th June 2008, and was English language debut of
the episode. The episode was preceded by Episode 28.
Episode Summary
The episode starts continuing straight from where the previous episode ended with the Autobots, Decepticons and Starscream's clones attacking each other around the activated Spacebridge.
With various Clones being captured, soon followed by the Autobots and Decepticons, Optimus Prime and Megatron are left to team up against Starscream and his remaining clones. Megatron uses Optimus as a sheild before he is finally caught by the clones.
During this time Ratchet and Sari are still working on the Autobot's ship, which is annouced as being alive. This ship, Omega Supreme, is a surving Guardian Robot from the great war, who faught with Ratchet. Whilst they work to revive Omega Issac Sumdac attempts to use the Headmaster unit to defeat Starscream and Megatron in one move. He manages to remove Starscream's head from his body and connect the Headmaster unit, but his plan fails when Megatron escapes. The surviving clones then swear allegiance to Megatron, betraying Starscream.
Ratchet and Sari manage to free Omega from the volcano on Dinobot Island and head towards the Decepticon base. There Megatron decides to use the Spacebridge, as Shockwave reveals that he is Longarm Prime and is the Autobot spy on Cybertron which was believed to be Wasp. Omega then turns up attacking the Decepticon base, so Megatron sends the clones, Blitzwing and Lugnut out to attack Omega. As the Decepticon's attack Omega Supreme transforms into his giant robot form and fights the Decepticons. Things don't go smoothly at first for the giant Autobot, but he eventually gains the upper hand.
Megatron sends Optimus Prime through the Spacebridge, but not before Prowl manages to escape. The ninja-bot then escapes and manages to help Optimus escape from the Spacebridge before Megatron decides to use Starscream's head to power-up the Spacebridge. Starscream's Allspark powered head proves to powerfull for the Spacebridge and it goes out of control, sending anything it sucked into itself randomly across the galaxy.
As Optimus gets sucked towards the Spaceridge, Megatron gets sucked through before Omega spots what is going on and quiockly despatches the Decepticons and clones before heading into the Decepticon base. He then sacrifies himself to implode the Spacebridge, getting sucked through himself, to save his Autobot friends. With Omega gone and the Spacebridge destoyed, the Decepticon base starts to crumble, so the Autobot's decide that it's time to get out of there. As the Autobots leave they call to the Constructicons, who annouce that they must save the oil. The two are then burried under the rocks whilst the Autobot's make it to safety.
The episode ends with the Autobots celbrating their victory, although it is revealed that Sari is injured. That isn't the only thing which is revealed however, as Sari's cut arm exposes wiring rather than blood and muscle. issac Sumdac then annouces he they have something to discuss before the sceen jumps to space where Megatron and Starscream (now just a head) are seen flating to gether. The pair argue as the ending credits role and the season ends.
Category: Transformers: Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 29th June 2008 at 14:15:15 BST
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