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Here you will find a few images of the toys which we bought at BotCon 2007 in Providence Rhode Island, as well as from the surrounding area and from the following week in New York. We have taken several images of the bubble packages of toys which we had to remove from teh packaging in order to get them home. The items purchased on this trip covered most Transformers lines, from Generation One to Transformers Sports Label, and consisted of :-

1) BotCon 2007 Dirge x2
2) BotCon 2007 Thrust x2
3) BotCon 2007 Thundercracker x2
4) BotCon 2007 Dreadwing x2
5) BotCon 2007 Bugbyte x2
6) BotCon 2007 Stealth Mirage x2
7) BotCon 2007 Bugbyte pin x2 (limited to first 100 registrants)
8) BotCon 2007 comic x2
9) BotCon 2007 t-shirt x2
10-11) BotCon 2007 Alpha Trionw with Vector Sigma x2
12) BotCon 2007 Weirdwolf x2
13) BotCon 2007 Huffer x2
14) BotCon 2007 Springer x2
15) BotCon 2007 Transformers Movie Target Transformers Giftcard x2 (Transforms into Optimus Prime
16) Transformers Movie cup (from the Cinema) x2
17) Transformers Sports Label Nike Free Convoy
18) Transformers Sports Label Nike Free Megatron
19) Transformers Movie Scorponok
20) Trnasformers Movie Swindle
21) Transformers Movie Decepticon Brawl
22) Transformers Movie Bonecrusher
23) Transformers Movie Bumblebee 74 camero
24) Transformers Movie Barricade
25) Transformers Movie Wreckage
26) Transformers Movie Starscream
27) Transformers Movie Ironhide
28) Transformers Movie Real-Gear Zoom Out 25x
29) Transformers Movie Real-Gear Booster 10
30) Transformers Kiss-Players Autorooper 31) Transformers Cybertron Smokescreen
32) Transformers Universe Barricade
33-37) Transformers Universe Desert Camoflague Runiation boxset
38) Transformers Energon Slugslinger
39) Transformers Armada Cheetor with Cliffjumper minicon
40-44) Transformers Robots in Disguise Artic Camoflague Runiation boxset
45-46) Transformers Beast Wars BotCon 1997 exclusive Packract and Fractyl
47) Transformers Generation Two Turquoise Grimlock (loose)
48) Transformers Generation One Lodoni (Japanese headmaster figure)
49) Transformers Generation One Mindwipe hardcopy (handpainted resin)
50) Transformers Generation One Vorath hardcopy (handpainted resin)
51) Transformers Generation One Highbrown hardcopy (unpainted resin - already purchased)
52-57) Gi-Joe Vipers Pit (set of 6 vipers)
58) Masters Of The Universe Teela
59) Masters Of The Universe Mini-Statue Snakeface
60) Masters Of The Universe Mini-Statue Leech
61) Highlander Anime DVD
62) Signed Limited Edition Boxset of Saber Marionette J, Saber Marionette J Again and Saber Marionette J to X
63) Sample pack of Transformers 3D Battle Card Game Jetfire

The amazing thing is I've managed to find somewhere to put it all, although now we have various Beast Machines and RID Basics / Deluxes inside mega and larger toys boxes. So that is 63 items plus 11 additional BotCon characters (74 in total).

Category: Conventions | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 18th July 2007 at 16:21:00 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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