Saké Comments - Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys

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Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
03-12-2011, 05:57 PM
Post: #1171
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
RtS Lugnut from Macc Sainsburys Smile
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03-12-2011, 08:43 PM
Post: #1172
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
dalisprime Wrote:RtS Lugnut from Macc Sainsburys Smile

Anything else new in?
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03-13-2011, 02:50 PM
Post: #1173
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
They just restocked the voyagers as far as I saw. Gonna see if Grapple gets the shelf nice and warm so i can get him on sale Tongue
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03-15-2011, 11:06 PM
Post: #1174
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
No luck finding Lugnut or Grapple today, but I did pick up Power Core Steamhammer and Grimstone from forbidden planet. Multilingual packaging too, so they should be out elsewhere for a decent price, but I've been looking forward to these guys so I paid the bit extra. It's amazing the improvements in these guys since the first wave, the constructicons are some of the best engineered drones in the line, whilst the dinobots are easily the largest ones, a couple of them are bigger than Grimstone himself.

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03-16-2011, 12:20 PM
Post: #1175
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Found Lugnut and Grappel today.

360 MiniCons and counting.
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03-16-2011, 12:28 PM
Post: #1176
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Phill Wrote:Found Lugnut and Grappel today.

AACK! Where? Curses, I spent all my money on Power Core guys.

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03-16-2011, 12:34 PM
Post: #1177
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
thelastallosaur Wrote:
Phill Wrote:Found Lugnut and Grappel today.

AACK! Where? Curses, I spent all my money on Power Core guys.

Edinburgh Crew Toll Sainsbury had 3 Strafe, 1 Grappel and 1 Lugnut by the time I left.

*** EDIT ***

Grappel marks my first ever major QC fail on a Transformer.

One of the bits on his shoulder which allows the side panels of the truck to lift and swivel was glued into place. I had to remove the pin, then get the black bit out, and then sand it down slightly to get the glue residue off it.

Working fine now however.

360 MiniCons and counting.
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03-17-2011, 04:16 PM
Post: #1178
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Got my Generations Soudwave, Kup and Scourge for Toyz and Gamez today. I'm not going to post my thoughts about them here; from now on you can see my blog to find out what I think of new figures. Big Grin

Well, okay, I'll breifly comment here, Soundwave continues the War for Cybertron tradition of decent vehicle mode with slightly inferior robot mode, Scourge has an awesome alt-mode and is probably the best of the three, Kup is a little limited but is great for 'mad old man with a shotgun' poses.

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03-18-2011, 09:04 AM
Post: #1179
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
RTS Lugnut and Grappel (Argos)
Generations Blurr (eBay)
Fizzy Sweets Bodyblock (eBay)
RTS Deepdive (eBay)
PCC Skyhammer and Heavytread (TFSource)

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03-18-2011, 10:21 AM
Post: #1180
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Various RTS and Generations - all from the awesome Kapow Toys:
Deepdive - amazing repaint of an amazing toy.
Wheeljack - blows tracks out of the water. The spanner/tools are awesome!
Thundercracker - Best paint job on this mold but it is showing it's age. Time for a brand new seeker toy design methinks.

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03-18-2011, 07:39 PM
Post: #1181
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
playing catchup again:

RTS wave 2 prime, Bee, perceptor and Wrek-gar plus Battle in space pack, from leeds toysrus.

RTS Legends Prime Megatron and starscream, from asda

and generations Kup and Scourge from tfsource. (cost me the same price inc shipping as uk dealers, wich is cool) Big Grin

no sign of the voyagers at my sainsburys of argos yet though. :cry:
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03-19-2011, 11:50 PM
Post: #1182
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
PCC Dino Pope and RTS Legends Gold Bumblebee.
Two crappy candy but great minicons from Tesco which turned out to be two Cloudrakers.
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03-20-2011, 01:06 PM
Post: #1183
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Gen Kup
Gen Sweep
Gen 'Jackie
RTS Lugnut
Some DotM tat.

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03-21-2011, 09:07 PM
Post: #1184
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
The GLORIOUS! Lugnut is now mine. Found him at Argos Fort Kinnaird, only voyager they had in stock. No sign of Grapple there or at the one at Straiton.

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03-28-2011, 12:19 PM
Post: #1185
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
ROTS Lugnut
ROTS Wreck-Gar
ROTS Laser Optimus Prime
ROTS Perceptor

Then yesterday

Paint Sample G1 Flame
Paint Sample G1 Lightspeed
Testshot G1 Gripper (i'd say paintsample, but there doesn't appear to be any on it)
Testshot G1 Stalker

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