Saké Comments - Transformers Social Meet - London October 1st

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Transformers Social Meet - London October 1st
09-19-2011, 07:59 AM
Post: #1
Transformers Social Meet - London October 1st
Please use this thread to discuss the Transformers Social Meet - London October 1st news story on the main site.

If you are in, or can get to the London area on Saturday October 1st then you may want to pop along to The Shakespeare's Head in Holborn at 11am as there will be a social meet for Transformers fans.  The event combines the social events Moonbase 2 ran since 2009, with others run since by their combined site with Kapow Toys known as FullMetalHero.  Member of various other forums and sites include The Nerdsphere and will also be on hand as well as some members of this site, Transformers At The Moon.
The event officially starts at 11am at the pub but the plan is that people will meet up there over a 1 hour period before moving onto the nearby shops including Forbidden Planet and Orbital Comics.
As long time visitors to this site will know we have run pub meets in Holborn before (starting back in 2001/2002) and normally meet just around the corner from this pub so you should be able to find it easily enough.
More information is available on our [url=/discussion/viewtopic.php?f=13&p=22408#p22408]forum here[/url] or on the official event's Facebook page here.  Work permitting, I should be there and it will be great to see as many of you as can make it especially as the website will be turning 12 at the end of October.

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