Saké Comments - Auto Assembly Launches New Fanzine - CT Alpha

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Auto Assembly Launches New Fanzine - CT Alpha
07-20-2011, 07:41 AM
Post: #1
Auto Assembly Launches New Fanzine - CT Alpha
Please use this thread to discuss the Auto Assembly Launches New Fanzine - CT Alpha news story on the main site.

Auto Assembly Launches New Fanzine - CT Alpha

We're in the last couple of weeks before Auto Assembly 2011 and currently
putting this year's edition of The Cybertronian Times to bed.  It's shaping
up to be another cracking edition, in a similar vein to last year's sell-out
edition and we can't wait to let you see it on the day, although we aren't going
to be stopping with that and sitting back and relaxing, oh no! There are times
when a year's gap between Auto Assembly and new editions of The Cybertronian
Times is a bit too long. With that in mind we are putting together a new ongoing
fanzine to help tide you over in those months where AA seems just too far away,
so later this year we will be launching CT Alpha, an ongoing companion to The
Cybertronian Times...

So why tell us now you ask? The answer is fairly straightforward... Instead
of just churning something out, we'd like to offer you the chance to help shape
the look and feel of the magazine. So at 11:30 am on Sunday 14th August 2011 we
will be holding an open forum for you to come along and do just that at Auto
Assembly 2011! We'll be discussing the fanzine, and getting your feedback and
some of your ideas and if anyone is interested in contributing then they can let
us know.  Now we know there is lots already taking place at the convention,
and and we have a fairly packed event so if you can't make it and still want to
pass on your ideas to us, we'll have contact information available on the day
for you. 

Now there will be all sorts of questions going through your heads right
now, mostly about how often it will come out, how many pages and how much is
this going to cost me?  We are going to have to be coy about some of these
details for the time being and more will be revealed at the discussion itself.
However, what we can tell you just now, aside from a promise that each issue
will have more than 16 pages in it is that the first issue of CT Alpha will be
released on 19th September 2011 and will be absolutely free. That's right -

We are looking forward to seeing you there at the discussion forum at Auto
Assembly 2011, and sharing some great ideas with you.

Auto Assembly 2011 is taking place over the weekend of 12th - 14th August
2011 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England and tickets
are available from the website now. For more details on the convention, to see a
full list of all the guests and activities taking place over the weekend, or to
book your tickets, visit the website at

hope to see you all in August!

The Auto Assembly 2011






Tel: +44
(0)7860 948296

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