Saké Comments - Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster revealed

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Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster revealed
02-24-2011, 10:46 PM
Post: #1
Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster revealed
Please use this thread to discuss the Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster revealed news story on the main site.

The final figure in the Botcon 2011 box set has been revealed and as expected it is a recoloured Voyager Class Optimus Prime as Motormaster complete with a new head.  As per the other toys in the set, the figure was designed by Derrick J Wyatt.  you can view the mirrored images below.

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02-24-2011, 11:00 PM
Post: #2
Re: Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster reve
I always felt that this was perhaps the riskiest of the Stunticons. Shame that I feel I have been proved right. The head is really cool but the use of Prime just makes him feel like Scourge/Nemesis Convoy rather than his own Con.

I still love this set, but I definitely like the first three reveals over Motormaster and Wildrider.

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02-25-2011, 10:13 AM
Post: #3
Re: Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster reve
I agree about the Nemesis Prime touch, he looks a lot like that shattered glass Prime thing too.
I have to say though, that head is pretty cool!

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02-25-2011, 02:08 PM
Post: #4
Re: Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster reve
minion Wrote:I still love this set, but I definitely like the first three reveals over Motormaster and Wildrider.

With you on this.

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02-25-2011, 10:16 PM
Post: #5
Re: Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster reve
The more I look at him the more I like him. I do just wish that Motormaster hadn't fallen into the Magnus trap of being a Prime repaint. Beggars can't be choosers as far as this line goes I guess.

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HamStar Customs - Mighty Muggs, Vinyl & More.
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02-26-2011, 12:08 AM
Post: #6
Re: Botcon 2011 Exclusive Transformers Animated Motormaster reve
I don't think that the head fits with the whole Animated style.

This is one BotCon set I don't mind missing.

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