Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys (1,352 replies)
General Transformer Sightings Thread (339 replies)
HURT N HEAL! (179 replies)
"The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough (142 replies)
What are you listening too? (109 replies)
Video Game Bragging Now Available (97 replies)
Need a new sig (90 replies)
What was the latest film your saw (87 replies)
Name that cartoon (71 replies)
your favourite food (63 replies)
'Streakers GI Joe collection - PICS! (61 replies)
GLORY DAYS! (60 replies)
Sari Sumsac TV series (57 replies)
Help a fellow Collector - Thread 1 (54 replies)
Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys (2,376,536 views)
OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! (1,035,338 views)
General Transformer Sightings Thread (518,863 views)
HURT N HEAL! (241,455 views)
"The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough (223,182 views)
What are you listening too? (164,143 views)
Video Game Bragging Now Available (150,863 views)
What was the latest film your saw (136,660 views)
Need a new sig (123,958 views)
Name that cartoon (102,052 views)
'Streakers GI Joe collection - PICS! (97,616 views)
your favourite food (96,257 views)
Help a fellow Collector - Thread 1 (90,711 views)
GLORY DAYS! (86,787 views)
CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION! (84,922 views)