Saké Comments - Your 2010 summaries and 2011 hopes, plans and dreams

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Your 2010 summaries and 2011 hopes, plans and dreams
01-08-2011, 04:03 PM
Post: #4
Re: Your 2010 summaries and 2011 hopes, plans and dreams
2010 what a horrendous year for me. It started with my friend being killed New Years Eve in a drunken assault. Great start to the year. In working for Game I'd become very very disillisioned with the business and how our company was changing things, closing stores and changing trading patterns. I predicted that in one year our Newton Abbot branch (where I worked) would be closed.
I began a real war of attrition against my manger in the way of Steve Austin (me) vs Vince McMahon (her) and did everything but hit her with a bed pan and a stunner. I came close though. At home, things between my partner and I were worsening, arguing over petty things that it felt that sometimes she just wanted to argue with me for the sake of arguing with me. The main problem being that although we both wanted marriage I wanted kids and to move back to Scotland, she just wanted marriage and didnt want to move more than two streets away from her parents. She also seemed to want to be more controlling of my life telling me what I could and couldnt do.
Then it got worse, her Game store branch was being shut down ad she was being made redundant, her gran was then also diagnosed with cancer. No survival chance and would be lucky to see out the summer. Heartbreaking stuff, at home for me though just after all this I was informed that my Great Gran had been diagnosed with cancer and dad let slip he was battling heart disease. When I told my partner I was accused of trying to "compete with her". WTF!?!

I'd had enough, my mate got me a job with him working for Woseley UK's Parts Centre (full time and salary paid job) and I took on extra shifts with my security job to just keep myself busy and away from it all. One foul mouthed hour long torrent of abuse down the phone from my partner later and I knew it was over. We seperated after 6 1/2yrs together mid april. Her Gran died end of april. My Great Gran had an op to try and remove the cancer which was succesful, this 95yr old wont let anything slow her down lol.

New job started ok but over the months has started to irritate me greatly. My new co-workers want to know the very ins and outs of my life. What I do and where when I'm not with them. Fell off the wagon from depression for a bit and went drinking every week for 2months before going sober again as I realised that wasnt the key to happiness. Went back to basics, little things to cheer me up and keep me going. Importing Transformers, Godzilla DVD's, comics, rediscoverd my love of the X-Men and got back into that. Bought my own litter of Degues (Had some with my ex but she got the kids in the divorce so to speak). During a bank holiday weekend in the summer I experienced the worst night of fighting in years and in a major scrap I got dropped on my head and almost broke my neck. I suffered a stinger which put me in hospital for 2 days with temporary paralysis, an X-ray and MRI revealed a dislodged disk in my lower neck which causes me some pain and discomfort from time to time.

Rest of the year was quite uneventful thankfully, decided that I already want to quit my day job. Fed up of their bullying, double standards, attempts to control my private life etc etc.
Was given my own security unit at the weekends, started off well but then realised the landlord we worked for was a complete psychopath, made several requests to go back to my old unit which were refused so I quit. I'm now classed as a filler, if a unit needs an extra body I fill in.
Finally made complete peace with my Dad and went and spent a weekend with him, my step mother and new extended family up in Inverness mid december. My day time boss rang me the day before I travelled up and asked if I could cancel my trip, yes seriously they did. Travelled up, watched Rangers VS Inverness and had a great time!

Going into the Xmas period I found a police force that was recruiting (Central Highlands) and applied for them. Worked the LONGEST new years eve of my life (time and a half though WIN!) and hoped to start the new year afresh and hoping for the best.
Yet as I type this here, january 8th, already another friend of mine has passed on (he suffered a stroke which caused a brain anneurysm) and my police application has been rejected.

Feel a bit lost and quite lonely now. Since my split from my partner there hasnt been anyone else and with my application rejected not sure what to do with myself now. Almost 30 and want to do something worthwhile with my life. What does the rest of the year hold.........................?

See, the bright light... it ain't heaven, son. It's just a muzzle flare

[Image: gruff1.jpg]
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Re: Your 2010 summaries and 2011 hopes, plans and dreams - Gruff - 01-08-2011 04:03 PM

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