"The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
11-11-2008, 11:23 AM
Post: #91
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
In the ally the old mech eyed them with suspicious optics, he overheard Galvanize's order and started to panic.
"You be saying away from me your darn troublemakers!!" he yelled as he tried to shout for help as he waved his suport rod (walking stick) at the pair. --- Back with the others, Sonics' blast rug through one of the guard's audio sensors and he swerved his bike harshly, running across the path of the other guard and causing a collision. The Truck slammed on the brakes and mounted the pavement to try and avoid hitting the guards but smacked over a lamp post while he was at it. ![]() My old sig from my battles with Galvy. I miss you old friend. |
11-11-2008, 02:28 PM
Post: #92
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Rex glared at Galvanize and hissed at him.
"You said you sort this!" Rex turned back to the old mech, who was in the process of hollering at the top of his audio output. Thankfully the sirens and loud explosions from the energon fire didn't allow the noise to carry. "Sir...Sir!" The stopped and stared at Rex. "Sir, we need you to be quiet." He took a step and the old timer swung his stick at his face. Rex caught the tired swing casually in his hand a gently lowered in to the floor with a sigh. "Sir, we are special security agents. You have heard of the SSA haven't you?" He didn't wait for him to respond "This is Riggs, I'm Murtaugh..." Rex flashed a badge under the old bots optics quickly "Special Agent Riggs and Murtaugh" He added for effect. Nothing was stopping him now, he was on a roll "Sir we been sent by Head of Intelligence to check on reports of an uprising. You've no doubt heard of the small rebellion gathering in the pits?" Again he cut the old mech off before he could answer. "Well, we recieved info that... information that they are planning to riot at the next governmental opening. So we have been sent to investigate...." The old mech eyed him suspisously. "You see, me heard rumours that the uprising is planning to compromise the sewer system as emergency services unable to come to aid, as you see, my partner stumble across weak supports and sewer collapse on him. He radio Rex_R... me Murtaugh and me come down as soon as possible. Now we need you to do special job for us." Rex gently placed a hand on the old mech's shoulder "Me and partner need you to wait by hole, when services arrive, tell them Riggs and Murtaugh were here and they have message for Head of Intelligence, tell them to take you to Head of Intelligence! You can do that for me, can't you!" Rex looked expectantly at the mech, who continued to stare at him... [center] ![]() |
11-11-2008, 04:11 PM
Post: #93
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
madplanet Wrote:Ok boys as soon as the bots on the bikes hit the floor move in. Lets avoid any unnesscary loss of life, and move the kocked out bots out of the way. Alright then, lets do this! Wincing slightly because of his passenger Ramp-X managed to lift off into the air, his proppelor blades announcing his appearence. "Hey, I now this probably isn't the best time for introductions but, do you think you could tell me your name? Oh, and get ready to jump because I've got a driver to sort out" With that he swerved towards the truck and, transforming in mid-air, landed on the roof of it. Using all three arms he tried to lift it off at the side, first using his third to rip at the weldings. ![]() |
11-11-2008, 10:39 PM
Post: #94
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Sonics stopped the unknown new member from taking the other escort.
What the Slag? Why did you put that bot offline? We do not need more attention on our actions tonight. Hence the dont kill anyone part I said earlier. Now we got more problems to deal with. Lets hope that X116 does not put you on the scrap heap for this. Get in the back of the truck and dont you dare do anything else stupid. Or you will be lying knocked out with those other bots. Sonics walked aggressively towards the truck, he opened the door and helped Ramp-X take the driver out and tossed him into a nearby dumpster with a lid lock mechanism. For those who can actually understand, we will use this dumpster to hide the UNCONCIOUS bots in. It might be cramped but with all of them in there they can at least find a way out. As for 'our' mishap place the bot in that dumpster where X and I were hiding. This will at least give us some time before they realise what happened. MMB get the lights back online, we dont want any repair crews rushing to fix the lights and then finding our mess. Sonics walked over to the other escort, to make sure a least this one would be safe. He checked to see if he was out for good and placed him with the truck driver. Sonics rushed back to the bikes, he looked over to Ramp-X and signaled him to come over to the bikes. Sonics picked up one of the bikes and gave a gesture to Ramp-X to help him. Yo X! Come over and help us move the other bike. Sorry we aint use to carrying heavy loads so, I hope you are ok on your own? Just follow us so we can hide this things, Sonics called over X25 to help out. Lets just hope this hasn't scared him off, he thought. As they were pushing the bikes to the alley, he quickly scanned the channels on the onboard communicators. Better store these in case we get some callers, he thought. As Ramp-X and Sonics go to the alley, they searched for an area where they would be hard to spot and covered it with what he could find. Can you believe what that bot just did? Who the slag is he and what the heck is gonna happen next?, he ranted to Ramp-X. X25 followed soon behind. He did struggle only a little bit only because of the crash, as the front wheel support was bent making it hard at times to push. After hiding the other bike the three of them walked back towards the truck. Sonics got into the driver's seat. He sat there waiting for the others to hop on board. And there was me worring about knocking out some bots, but now I have to witness murder. I hope this is worth it, he thought. ![]() My Stuff for sale http://www.transformertoys.co.uk/discuss...f=15&t=755 |
11-12-2008, 06:49 AM
Post: #95
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Ramp-X slowly clambered into the truck, stunned by what had happened.
If I hadn't been so busy I..... I could've saved that bots spark!!! He held his head in his hands and as he felt a heavy wave of anger, depression and sadness sweep over him. He started shaking his head.and to think I was the one that alowed him to do it! I'm no less guilty than he is!! He hit himself hard. Stop thinking this way! It's this kind of attitude that pulls the team down. If you want to mope then get out of the truck and leave or do it in your own time otherwise pull yourself together! "His name is Viro-Renorack apparently" Ramp-X said softly. Barely manageing to keep himself in check. ![]() |
11-12-2008, 11:00 PM
Post: #96
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Viro-Renorack huh. Let's hope he doesnt do that again.
Sonics looked at Ramp-X and could help but notice something was up. Its not easy seeing something like that happen. As long as you know there was nothing you could do and what has happened cannot be changed., he smirked, heck otherwise I would have know that my old boss would react that way. But then again it would have meant, I would still not realised how unhappy I was here. He patted Ramp-X on the shoulder, then turned back towards Viro and gave an unhappy stare. ![]() My Stuff for sale http://www.transformertoys.co.uk/discuss...f=15&t=755 |
11-13-2008, 10:51 AM
Post: #97
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
The truck radio crackled.
"Truck 708 are you reciving? are you all right you got cut off there? Come in 708, is the shipment ok?" The voice said. Outside the others had finnished clearing up the evidence and were clambering abourd the Transport. --- The old man eyed Rex with squinty optics. "Ok sonny I guess I was wrong about you. Dont like them good for nothing trouble makers, no siree. You give them what for... all their talk of the outside world.. Its hell out there I tell ya." The od mech said as he turned to shuffle away, completely forgetting what he was talking about. ![]() My old sig from my battles with Galvy. I miss you old friend. |
11-15-2008, 07:19 PM
Post: #98
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
"um, thanx" galvanize called after the old mech
"now we go rex, and fast. the others will be moving about now" he pointed out to his large friend "and im not gonna miss this boat" the two of them began to run in the direction of the hangar...... ![]() IM NOT MAD, IM LOVEABLE!! |
11-24-2008, 01:23 PM
Post: #99
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
The two mechs bolted down side streets and alleys, unnoticed by the authorities that must be by now on to them. Lingering in the shadows, Rex-R.V haunched down, looking across an open, deserted street at a checkpoint. A guard mech could be seen dozing in the booth behind the chainlink fence, the flickering searchlights obviously not bothering him as much as they were the dog-bot prowling up and down behind the locked and bolted gate. Rex could hear it growling as it's infrared optics scanned the area. He pulled a little further back into the shadows. They had to get through this checkpoint, it was the only way to the rendezvous point. He had a clearance code, being a deep drilling bot he needed access to all areas of the inner dome, but he had a funny feeling Galvanize didn't. He turned to his companion.
"Now what..." The dog-bot let a loud bark and growled in the direction they were hiding. "Slag..." [center] ![]() |
11-28-2008, 07:06 PM
Post: #100
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
"rex my big freind" started galvanize " i seem to have ,er, misplaced my security code for this checkpoint, and that ugly lookin hound is coming this way. if we can get past the mutt i have a knock out grenade on me for the guards, but that hound is a bit more of a problem"
the hound began to alert the guard in the booth to the two of them and began to run in their direction.... ![]() IM NOT MAD, IM LOVEABLE!! |
12-13-2008, 07:50 PM
Post: #101
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Steel Wrote:The truck radio crackled. Sonics thumbled to grab the mic for a response. He paused for a moment for a response and altered his voice. qsssssssssshhhhThisqsssssssssshhhh708 here.qsssssssssshhhhspiltqsssssssssshhhhon radioqsssssssssshhhhWill fixqsssssssssshhhhdrop offqsssssssssshhhhDoqsssssssssshhhhread?qsssssssssshhhh. He took his finger off the mike. Lets hope that worked, he turned to the others. He started the engine and they began to move off. ![]() My Stuff for sale http://www.transformertoys.co.uk/discuss...f=15&t=755 |
12-14-2008, 07:15 PM
Post: #102
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Just as the dog-bot had almost reached its destination,it stopped. Was that a trigger it had heard clicking?
Boom! A thin,black and gold femme-bot stepped softly out from the shadow of one of the old buildings. She smiled craftily,looking at her deceaced target. A golden Decepticon symbol glinted off her chest as she silently strolled along the the trail that would take her to her prey. ![]() |
12-21-2008, 07:39 PM
Post: #103
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
"um rex" said galvanize quietly
"theres some one coming this way" , "and shes hot" galvanize began to run toward the unknown bot...... "noooooo" shouted rex rv... ![]() IM NOT MAD, IM LOVEABLE!! |
12-21-2008, 09:17 PM
Post: #104
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
A thin smile curved across the femme's lips. Sly yellow optics peered at them from the shadows. She approached them carefully,knowing that every moment could be her last. He smile broadened as one of them came running towards her. She pretended not to notice,but watched them through the side of one optic.
As the running one neared her,she waved,smiling broadly. She didn't want to make the wrong impression... (Sorry,I edited this a little to give some more interaction room. Where the slag is everyone?!) ![]() |
01-01-2009, 03:08 PM
Post: #105
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
galvanize came to a sudden stop in front of the femmebot.
"thanx so much for getting rid of our little problem there. my names galva... BLAM!!!! the sound of the guards rifle sounded as it blasted through galvanizes shoulder. "AAARRRGGGGHH,,,,, IM HIT!!!! REX REX HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!" ![]() IM NOT MAD, IM LOVEABLE!! |
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