Saké Comments - "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough

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"The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
10-29-2008, 10:22 PM
Post: #76
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
as galvanize was pulled up from the hole in the street he saw rex-rv walking towards him.

"rex, my old freind, ive being looking for you . i seem to have had an accident, could you please help me to the nearest repair factory?" he said rather loud
"i believe its this way" galvanize added as he tugged rex`s arm and led him away from the street.

" time to go my friend" he said in a more serious tone "now"

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10-30-2008, 05:20 PM
Post: #77
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Highram Wrote:"Um.... I think so.... well... Somethings coming.... wait.... Yes. It's on it's way. I estimate a rough 5 mins before it's here so I'd get ready." he replied.

X-Bot Wrote:Yo!!! What the rust is going on here??? WHy are you in there come on out bot....Don't try anything sneaky either!

Sonics' body flintched.

Errrr Sonics began to think what to say. Ha ha ha ha, you caught me, oh wait.

Sonics poked his head out as if he was looking for someone but in fact was looking for the real target.

Huh you haven't seen a lil kid 'looking' for someone have you? My lil bro and I are playing hide and seek. Quick jump in before he sees us. Otherwise I will get caught and have to do his chores for a week.......

But then Sonics' communicator activated

Highram Wrote:"Oh, and Sonics, I think somebots found your hiding place. I think It'd be best to hide him as well before we're found out. But I'm only suggesting."


SLAG!, he sighed. So are you happy with you life?He asked. I am not. This place is getting too tiring and soul crippling. If you do not act the way the rules specify and deviate just a little bit, you are outcasted, scrap metal, A- WASTE-OF-SPACE. Well I have found others that feel the same way and want a different, more meaningful life. And on this rock there is nothing to excite our imaginations, and no stupid rules that would come to harm us.

Sonics stood up inside the dumpster. If you do feel the same, come join us. He reached out his left hand to help the big bot jump in, and crossed his toes (if he had any) that the bot would say yes.

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10-30-2008, 07:57 PM
Post: #78
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
No way!!! I'm getting out of here...I don't beleive anything you say, infact I'm reporting you to the vice-bots...your probably a terror-bot!

Type X25 turns about and starts to move away....change my life??? Yeah right there is no fighting the system your either in or out he thought.....

Type X25 paused a second.....I wonder how out feels like?

Type X25 turns around and says

Tomorrow I no longer have a job on this rock...Count me in!

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10-30-2008, 08:09 PM
Post: #79
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Ramp-X watched intenly at how the small trash-bot would react. His third arm would've been twitching manically had he not been in his vehicle mode at that moment.
As soon as he saw that it was having second thoughts, he turned his attention over to the approaching target.
He suppressed a shout of surprize as he watched the truck near the last corner to where he and the rest were hiding.
"Hey guys, hate to be a burden but we really have to hide now!!!!" His voice rose in pitch and sped along as he sent over a call to the others.
"The trucks going to be here ANYSECOND!!"

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10-30-2008, 08:48 PM
Post: #80
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
"WHA!!" He shouted as something prodded him from behind. Not being able to turn round properly, he asked. "Friend or Foe!? If your foe..... If your friend, get ready because it's time to get rolling!"

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10-31-2008, 08:43 AM
Post: #81
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
*MMB watched bemused from the pile of the rubble at the two new bots on the scene, with his hands on the switch*

Who the slag??? Should I help those guys, what is that refuse bot doing, he's still in plain sight??

*Seeing the truck in the distance MMB's quinty arms were flailing around in anxiety, he called over from the otherside of the road*

Sonic!!! Get that litterbot in the dumpster , Im gonna have to kill these lights any second!!

[Image: bsig20111.jpg]
Fact: Brawn isn't dead he's just been stamping on scalpers.
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10-31-2008, 09:24 AM
Post: #82
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
The distant rumble got louder as a shape apeared on the horizon. The large suply truck rumbled its way down the street just as predicted. The group only had a minute to prepare before it would reach them. It was then that they noticed a fly in the ointment, there was a motorcycle escort. Two security force agents guarding the truck.

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10-31-2008, 12:14 PM
Post: #83
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Highram Wrote:"Hey guys, hate to be a burden but we really have to hide now!!!!" His voice rose in pitch and sped along as he sent over a call to the others.
"The trucks going to be here ANYSECOND!!"

The unknown bot looked confused. Don't worry you will meet the rest of the team shortly, Sonics smiled.

That's our que. Thanks Ramp-x, with that said Sonics pulled in the trash bot.

So....... what's your name?, :lol: he grinned.

Sonics' senosr was picking up more noise then a truck would give out. He slowly peaked out and zoomed into the distance.

Oh Slag, he muttered quietly. He opened communications

Looks like we got more company. Whatever is in that truck is important. MMB shut the lights out when they are close to my position. I will have to increase the signal strength and hopefully it will knock out the cycles in front and it will take out the driver too. Do not move untill I set off signal. MMB get ready your closer to us and may need your help to take down anyone that does not fall. Our new friend is going to have to pitch in. Do you think you are up to this?, he asked the unknown new friend.

Sonics began to make the adjustments to the signal output.

Get ready guys here they come, Sonics raised his arm and aimed it at the convoy.

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11-01-2008, 08:51 PM
Post: #84
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Type X25 but my frinds just call me X....Are we gonna go to jail?

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11-03-2008, 01:26 PM
Post: #85
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
X-Bot Wrote:Type X25 but my frinds just call me X....Are we gonna go to jail?

Well X my name is Sonics, nice to meet ya. I will introduce you to the others when this is all over with Wink , Sonics grabbed X's hand to shake it.

AS for going to jail part, lets hope not. I hear they have terrible food. :lol:

Sonics opened comms to the others, Ok Boys is everyone ready? Cos it looks like they are almost here.

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11-03-2008, 01:29 PM
Post: #86
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
*waiting until exactly the right time MMB hit the switch to turn the lights off*

[Image: bsig20111.jpg]
Fact: Brawn isn't dead he's just been stamping on scalpers.
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11-06-2008, 08:49 AM
Post: #87
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Meanwhile... Galvanize and Rex could hear more sirens in the distance and the growning crowd started too grow more confused untill one of the older looking colonists piped up.
"Just what kinda bother are you boys up too." He said as he tried to poke Galvanize with a long spindly finger as he tried to make a get away.
"Dont you be going anywhere till the authority gets here."


Back at Ambush ally, The truck grew closer. MMB made his move and turned the lights off, there was a moment of confusion between the escorts. It was now or never.

[Image: steelimusprimesig-1.jpg]
My old sig from my battles with Galvy. I miss you old friend.
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11-06-2008, 01:24 PM
Post: #88
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
It was dark in the ally and all you could see were the escort's lights.

Sonics grinned, I hoped they would show me the way

Sonics stood up and aimed towards the truck and escort. He aimed and fired towards them.

He opened comms

Ok boys as soon as the bots on the bikes hit the floor move in. Lets avoid any unnesscary loss of life, and move the kocked out bots out of the way.

Sonics jumped out and indicated to X and the others to move out. He headed towards the upcoming crash cautiously.

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11-06-2008, 02:14 PM
Post: #89
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough

The crowd were getting rowdy, surrounding Rex and Galvanise.

"Erm... now what we do?"

Rex looked at Galvanise for any sort of inspiration.

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11-07-2008, 10:10 PM
Post: #90
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
"leave this to me rexy"galvanize wispered

"AH, sorry bout that old friend" he started to the colonist, "we wernt going to leave the scene, we were just going to see if anyone was hurt down this alley here, since its quite thin and the ,erm, quake we just had may have trapped some poor soul. feel free to assist us,sir"

the older mech followed them into a small alley just of the street....

"ok rex" galvanize stated real quietly, "take him down when we are clear of the street, then run like mad"

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