Saké Comments - General Transformer Sightings Thread

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General Transformer Sightings Thread
06-18-2010, 02:54 PM
Post: #211
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
ROTF Whirl and Bludgeon on sale for 9.99 at TRU Big Grin
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06-22-2010, 10:32 PM
Post: #212
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
home bargains are stocking the gathering at nemesis set in some stores. i could not see a price in my rushed visit but keep an eye out. t r us are selling em at 49 quid. i imagine they will be half that.

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06-23-2010, 01:18 AM
Post: #213
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
GALVY Wrote:home bargains are stocking the gathering at nemesis set in some stores. i could not see a price in my rushed visit but keep an eye out. t r us are selling em at 49 quid. i imagine they will be half that.

I'm in Coalville tomorrow/today (Posting in the wee hours gets confusing for the day lol) so I'll keep an eye out for the price and see if they get anything else in. 8-)

Mint In Box Toy Reviews
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06-23-2010, 12:40 PM
Post: #214
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
Galvy was right, They're £19.99. There was only one in my store but that's a damn good price for two voyagers and a deluxe. It's a damn shame I have no interest in any of those figures, or the rest of their current Transformers stock. :roll:

I want Generations, dammit. Sad

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06-30-2010, 08:31 PM
Post: #215
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads member Neurie has found the new Hunt for the Decepticons (HFTD for short) Battle Ops Bumblebee at the Entertainer, in the UK.
He has provided photographic evidence which also shows that the figure retails for GBP 69.99 approximately USD 104,62. This sighting might mean that the HTFD line and the new Generations will also be available soon in British stores.
[Image: 1277923129_BB1.jpg]

THought you guys would like to know (I know some of you have an entertainer near you) Wink

I'm only excited for the prospect of getting Seaspray, Hubcap and the entire Generations line Big Grin

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06-30-2010, 08:46 PM
Post: #216
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
Hunt for the Decepticons and Generations are due the last week in July. In theory just in time for the new Argos catalogue.

360 MiniCons and counting.
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06-30-2010, 11:10 PM
Post: #217
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
Phill Wrote:Hunt for the Decepticons and Generations are due the last week in July. In theory just in time for the new Argos catalogue.

That times nicely with my payments but it will also mean that I will be broke as all hell. Maybe I'll just get Drift, WFC Prime and Hubcap that first week, should tide me over til next payment.

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07-07-2010, 05:53 PM
Post: #218
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
Battle Ops Bumblebee in Geoff's Toys in Coalville (I assume it'd be the same in Loughborough too) for 60 quid

I'd be more annoyed that this got over here so damn fast if I wasn't hopeful for Generations and PCC arriving soon.

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07-21-2010, 12:26 PM
Post: #219
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
The first wave of Power Core Combiner 5 packs, (Aerialbots and Comabticons) are available at Geoff's Toys in Coalville (I assume in Loughborough as well) for £19.99.

Mint In Box Toy Reviews
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08-11-2010, 09:53 PM
Post: #220
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
while shopping in asda tonight i noticed that the movie 2 figures (deluxe) are on offer at £4.99. they had nest brawn and ratchet . also the scout class were in a special offer where you can get 2 for £8. only ejector was on display.

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08-11-2010, 09:56 PM
Post: #221
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
GALVY Wrote:also the scout class were in a special offer where you can get 2 for £8. only ejector was on display.

Because the man without two toasters is hardly a man at all :lol:

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08-13-2010, 04:14 PM
Post: #222
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
Has anyone had any luck in and around the Glasgow area? Hanley's was a disappointment, and I'm jonesing for some WFC figs!
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08-13-2010, 05:00 PM
Post: #223
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
tamuchly Wrote:Has anyone had any luck in and around the Glasgow area? Hanley's was a disappointment, and I'm jonesing for some WFC figs!

Try any Asda near you.

The ones in Edinburgh have got them in, but not at the £2 odds other places seem to have.

Take into account that the actual street-date for them is the 17th of August.

360 MiniCons and counting.
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08-13-2010, 09:23 PM
Post: #224
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
Asda Trafford Park and Eastlands both had Drift in stock today. They seem to be shelf warming as the otheres were all sold out.

Phill Wrote:
tamuchly Wrote:Has anyone had any luck in and around the Glasgow area? Hanley's was a disappointment, and I'm jonesing for some WFC figs!

Try any Asda near you.

The ones in Edinburgh have got them in, but not at the £2 odds other places seem to have.

Take into account that the actual street-date for them is the 17th of August.

Where did you get get that info about the 17th August.?
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08-13-2010, 09:58 PM
Post: #225
Re: Universe and Animated Sightings threads
17th is the street date for the Hunt for the Decepticons stuff and the Generations stuff. It's been a known fact for a while. Most TRU and Argos should start recieving them on their next deliveries.

360 MiniCons and counting.
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