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TF Shopping in Japan, Maps and Pics. - Printable Version

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TF Shopping in Japan, Maps and Pics. - Brawn - 06-19-2010 08:38 AM

Hey all, I have just come back from Japan and saw a load of great shops selling lots and lots of Transformers. It took me a while to find all these places and whilst I had ages, I know a lot of people would find it handy to know beforehand where to go. So I made two google maps for Tokyo and Osaka with locations and stores tagged. I hope they come in useful for others!

For the Full Tokyo Map Click ukbrawns Tokyo Transformers - Google Maps

For the Full Osaka Map Clickukbrawns Osaka Transformers - Google Maps

There may be many places I have missed, but at all these locations I personally saw Transformers. For some in store pictures, extra details and for what I bought check

[Image: photo0296.jpg?w=491&h=369]


Re: TF Shopping in Japan, Maps and Pics. - Smellyferret - 06-19-2010 10:31 AM

Top stuff dude! I doubt I'll get there any time soon but appreciate the effort, its a common question!

Apart from TF's how did you find it? plenty to do and see?