Saké Comments
Masterpiece Black Rodimus Prime, Encore Twincast and Soudnblaster - Printable Version

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Masterpiece Black Rodimus Prime, Encore Twincast and Soudnblaster - TFATM - 06-22-2011 03:45 PM

Please use this thread to discuss the Masterpiece Black Rodimus Prime, Encore Twincast and Soudnblaster news story on the main site.

Reports are coming in from Kapow, via their Blogg and Full Metal Hero, that a Black Masterpiece Rodimus Convoy will be appearing for an online retailer (Part One Limited's e-Hobby Shop) along with new Transformers Encode Twincast and Soundblaster reissues.
You can see the original reports on Black Rodimus here and Encore Twincast / Soundblaster here.