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From drawing board to store shelf: The development of a Transformers toy - Printable Version

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From drawing board to store shelf: The development of a Transformers toy - TFATM - 11-21-2011 09:25 AM

Please use this thread to discuss the From drawing board to store shelf: The development of a Transformers toy news story on the main site.

Nevermore has put together an interesting article on Starblight called From drawing board to store shelf: The development of a Transformers toy
... the first part of a multi-part article series in
which I (Nevermore) will attempt to explain the development process of a
Transformers toy. As my basis for this compilation, I use various
materials which have made their way into the fandom one way or another
over the years, for example via Japanese sourcebooks or BotCon
presentations. In addition, there are various details which have come up
from Q&A rounds with Hasbro at BotCon or as part of the
(discontinued) Q&A program for fan sites. In some instances, I also
use information gathered from conversations with (usually former) Hasbro

If this article interests you then make sure you come to Roll Out Roll Call 2012, as there are several panels on this type of content.
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