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Transformers Masterpiece Black Rodimus out in Asia - Printable Version

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Transformers Masterpiece Black Rodimus out in Asia - TFATM - 11-30-2011 08:12 PM

Please use this thread to discuss the Transformers Masterpiece Black Rodimus out in Asia news story on the main site.

The Allspark are reporting that Transformers Masterpiece Black Rodimus is now out in Asia.
Released in Asia last week and now arriving to mail boxes in Japan is
Masterpiece MP-9B Black Rodimus Convoy!  This figure is a redeco of, you
guessed it, MP-9 Rodimus Convoy!  The figure features an all new
'electric' color scheme sure to please fans.  The e-Hobby version also
comes with a special exclusive comic book (which, if the past has taught
us anything, will not be included in the general Asian release stocked
at most North American retailers).