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Auto Assembly 2012 - Printable Version

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Auto Assembly 2012 - Scattershot24 - 09-30-2011 04:27 PM

Hey Guys, I know Auto Assembly is another 12 months away, But I've been talking to members on forums on other sites and they said that they have their ticket's already or planning to get in the next upcoming weeks and was wondering if anybody here has been thinking about it already. I've always wanted to go but due to a yearly holiday at the same time as the convention, I was always unable to go, But next year I can go and being that I have always been desperate to go Im content on not missing it. It also means that going I maybe have a chance of picking up certain things I didn't get when the figure was at retail and unable to find elsewhere.
Just a question out of curiosity, When you guys went to Auto assembly in the past did you ever notice a Universe 2.0 Hotshot and Dinobot and Smokescreen there. Im just wondering because I was never able to find them in the shops. I want them so bad LOL.