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Bandai UK targetting UK importers of US stock, will Hasbro follow suit? - Printable Version

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Bandai UK targetting UK importers of US stock, will Hasbro follow suit? - TFATM - 09-06-2010 07:11 PM

Please use this thread to discuss the Bandai UK targetting UK importers of US stock, will Hasbro follow suit? news story on the main site.

Though not directly related to Hasbro or Transformers I thought I would bring the following advert to everyone's attention.  It was published within this months Toy News Magazines which is an industry trade and is from Bandai and directed at UK sellers importing their items.

Bandai Notice

We have discovered that a number of companies are trading in Bandai products such as Power Rangers and Ben 10 toys that have been unlawfully imported into the UK from outside the EEA (mainly from the US).

Over the last few months, we have taken successful action against a number of retailers and importers.  In each case, we have prevented them from trading in such products and have recovered a significant amount of compensation.

We would remind all readers that you are not permitted to import into or sell in the UK any Bandai products that have not been placed on the EEA market by us or with our consent (including Bandai products originating from the US)m as such acts will constitute trade mark infringement. Further, these acts may amount to a criminal offence.

Should we discover that any other companies are trading in such products, we will not hesitate to take further legal action.

If you have any questions about this notice or the issues raised, please contact Amy Allbon, Operations Manager at Bandai UK.

Now if this continues to be successful, especially at bringing Bandai in more revenue, its possible (if unlikely) that Hasbro UK may start to do the same with their items.  If they do, we will let you all know.

Re: Bandai UK targetting UK importers of US stock, will Hasbro f - thelastallosaur - 09-06-2010 08:42 PM

What exactly constitutes an unlawful import? Would companies like Kapow have to stop selling these items? What about Ebay sales?

Re: Bandai UK targetting UK importers of US stock, will Hasbro f - dalisprime - 09-07-2010 08:52 AM

By unlawful I figure they mean unauthorised by Bandai. And yeah - the likes of Forbidden Planet, Kapow, ToyzandGamez would all be taking the hit. Sad news really considering imports are often the only way to get certain products as they get skipped by powers-that-be in the UK Sad

Re: Bandai UK targetting UK importers of US stock, will Hasbro f - phantomfish - 09-07-2010 08:59 AM

I think companies are missing a trick on this one. If the demand is there, as it obviously is by the number of import toy websites, then companies should listen and sell the toys people want. Ordering stock in large orders may be a daft idea but order limited numbers from your own foreign branch and sell through a website.

For example Hasbro toy shop used to have its own web site in the UK. On the web site it could have figures that they have no plans to release en masse in the UK (such as Voyager Longhaul) in limited numbers. This would mean that fans and collectors, who in the main the import web sites are aimed at, could get the figures they want from an official source without competing prices.

This would probably mean that import stores such as Kapow and Toyz and Gamez have to change business plans and work with import items that cannot be obtained such as Japanese figures.

I know this is all speculation but it is all about supply and demand. Consumers want figures that aren't available in their country and so the demand is there to obtain them, be it by import site or otherwise.

Re: Bandai UK targetting UK importers of US stock, will Hasbro f - Hellhound - 09-07-2010 07:01 PM

phantomfish Wrote:...Hasbro toy shop used to have its own web site in the UK. On the web site it could have figures that they have no plans to release en masse in the UK (such as Voyager Longhaul) in limited numbers. This would mean that fans and collectors, who in the main the import web sites are aimed at, could get the figures they want from an official source without competing prices.

Good point. I think Lego do something similar, making store exclusives available through their website.