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dont click if you dont want to bother with me - Printable Version

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dont click if you dont want to bother with me - TFgirl217 - 08-19-2010 02:14 PM

ok my last post had no replys so I'm probably thinking that you think i suck at drawing (which is true...)
if you think that I'm only on this to advritize my drawings... I'm not! i'm just trying to get more ideas for my drawings.
i know i should be on a drawing blog but idk any...(i'm really pathetic...)
so yeah... if you dont want me to bother you guys anymore... i might as well leave...
so yeah... bye...

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - Phill - 08-19-2010 04:27 PM

Don't over-react.

This is a quiet board sometimes, and with it being summer, and people were pre-occupied with Auto Assembly, then your last post mighta been overlooked.

I tried to look at one of your pics, but the site they're hosted on didn't agree with my PC, so didn't bother looking at the rest.

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - GALVY - 08-19-2010 09:02 PM

if the pics were done freehand with the stylus then they are pretty good. as for some arty tips, welcome to galvys art class.

now, start by drawing some curtains.
then, a bit more tricky, we should be drawing pins.
now lets draw straws.
finally , draw a deep breath and laugh at my wit.

seriously, laugh, or else the bunny gets it. :?

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - KingGrimlock - 08-20-2010 08:52 AM

Galvy, put the bunny back in the box...

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - Highram - 08-21-2010 02:35 PM

Oh Chillax.
People won't comment on everything you post.
Most of my art has no comments whatsoever but I don't let that get to me.
Sure it's nice to have somebody say "Nice job" or "I really like that" but it's not compulsory.
You're pictures are good, you have something there. Keep going at it. As for places to display art and get feedback, I recommend --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - TFgirl217 - 08-26-2010 04:25 PM

ok, i'll stay...
but try not to take all of my emo comments seriously...

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - quartz - 08-27-2010 07:42 AM

Taking things non-seriously is what this place should always be about.
[Image: sdiconsmc-fryforce.gif] [Image: sdiconsmc-fryforce.gif]

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - KingGrimlock - 08-27-2010 01:11 PM

I feel the urge for fries and I don't know why....

Re: dont click if you dont want to bother with me - Impactor - 08-28-2010 07:39 AM

i had a loverly pringle sandwich last night