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OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Printable Version

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RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Sunstreaker - 04-26-2012 07:17 PM


That is all.

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Sunstreaker - 04-27-2012 03:43 PM

Flames of War package arrived!

1x SS Motorbike scout patrol with Kurt Meyer (whilst he was still a Captain in the 1st SS, before he helped form the 12th... obviously I'll be fielding him in 12th colours...)
1x Blood & Glory - Tank Aces Campaign book detailing the Yanks verses the Germans in the Lorraine area of France
2x Rural Farmhouses
1x Burning Sands Raiders Aces Campaign Map Set.

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - thelastallosaur - 05-11-2012 12:57 PM

One of these: Big Grin
Not started building it yet, but it should be fun. I'll hopefully be building a bed cover for it and painting it up as Trailbreaker. For those who remember my Lunchbox Ironhide, this one is about twice the size if not more.

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Sunstreaker - 05-11-2012 08:59 PM

Retaliation and Renegades Amazon Exclusive packs!

Will post piccies in a bit!

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - quartz - 05-12-2012 09:36 AM

Cool, are they nice though

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Sunstreaker - 05-12-2012 11:42 AM

Judge for yourself!

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RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - minion - 05-12-2012 04:38 PM

Got to love Rock's stupid traps. Amazing.

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Sunstreaker - 05-12-2012 05:51 PM

That arm mounted piece of crappy assembling gun that has to fit on his bizarro holding ammo clip is horrible though. It's three-pieces of unwieldy.

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Sunstreaker - 06-14-2012 08:43 PM

New Toys for 'Streaker!

At the weekend managed to get;

FoW - Hellfire Pass - Early-War Africa Book
FoW - Burning Empires - Early and Mid-War Mediteranian Book
FoW - Know Your Enemy 2012 - Army Special Rules Handbook
FoW - Tank Aces - Campaign Pack
FoW - Art of War II - Wehrmacht Painting Guide
FoW - German HQ Objective
FoW - 29th Infantry Assault Company

Today arrived;

1x Retaliation Zartan
1x Retaliation Storm Shadow
1x Retaliation Cobra Commander (Blue)
1x Retaliation Roadblock
1x Retaliation Duke
1x Retaliation Snake Eyes
2x Retaliation Red Ninja
2x Retaliation Cobra Trooper
2x Retaliation GI Joe Trooper (1x Blue, 1x Tan!)
1x Snake Eyes and Ninja Cycle
1x Firefly and Assault Bike
1x Cobra Commander and HiSS Tank
1x Duke and Ghost Hawk II
1x Ninja Dojo pack - Roadblock, Kamakura & Beachhead
1x Ninja Temple Attack - Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Red Ninja Slice

RE: OTHER TOYS :: BRAGGING THREAD! - Phill - 10-19-2012 08:38 PM

Marvel Legends X-Force Deadpool.