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How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - Printable Version

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Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - Phill - 05-12-2010 09:26 AM

Well all 3 arrived this morning, safe and sound. Can't wait to get home to open them.

Only bad thing was that like my last purchase from China they just came in a padded envelope. Unlike the Universe Nemesis Prime box however they arrived fairly intact.

Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - phantomfish - 05-17-2010 10:58 AM

Woohoo mine have been dispatched too (although with the Ash situation they might take a while to arrive!). Thanks to Phill for all his advice.

Also its definitely cheaper to buy them this way as look at the scalpage from Seibertron owner Ryan on eBay:
Here, Here, Here or finally Here.

Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - Phill - 05-17-2010 11:19 AM

Unfortunatly the price achieved by those Seibertron auctions has influenced people to buy multiples and scalp them.

Someone told one of the buyers of the Seibertron ones, and the guy was trying to cancel the transaction to get them cheaper.

I've also heard that a well known seller is trying to buy several cases of them, and as they often over-inflate the price of them I can see them being sold at a steady $50 each for the combiner members and $40-$45 for the other one.

Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - phantomfish - 05-26-2010 08:05 AM

My scouts arrived yesterday in a box the cards inside were folded but by the looks of them I think that had happended beforehand anyway.

Thanks for all your help Phill......I could kiss you if that wouldn't make things a little awkward! [Image: heart.gif] [Image: bty.gif]

Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - waraijj - 05-26-2010 11:08 AM

Smellyferret Wrote:I got a test shot Aveo/swerve. At the time I bought it as an investment or to sell on, but now he is one of my favourite TF's and I'm a hardcore G1/Diaclone fan!!

I also feel that spending about £30-40 on any single TF is too much (with a few exceptions) which means my collecting has slowed up a bit over the last 2 years!

you got Aveo/swerve from Taobao as well? So do you have an extra to sell? Smile THanks!

Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - Smellyferret - 05-27-2010 04:22 PM

sorry - he isnt for sale and at the time i managed to nab him from ebay!

Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - Loosecannon - 05-28-2010 07:25 PM

Thanks Phill,

I used your guide, and now have 2 scouts!



Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - Phill - 05-28-2010 07:40 PM

It's nice to get thanks in here for this, and I'm so glad people are getting them without paying silly money for them.

Several other sites I've posted the info on don't seem to acknowledge who actually posted the info, and 1 site even deleted my original info, only to be then reposted by one of the admins.

It's times like this that we as a community should help each other out by posting and sharing the info, and not taking advantage of it to make money for ourselves (I'm thinking of the owner of a TF site with that comment).

Rant over.


Re: How to get the Unreleased Movie 1 Scouts - Loosecannon - 05-30-2010 08:30 AM

Thats shocking Phill.

I wonder if they have all been sold now and if that 1 rumoured person bought up all the stock?

Sad really...